I just wanted to download notepad++

I just wanted to download notepad++.

Attached: 1553924353012.png (959x746, 49.89K)

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fuck off chang

I had no idea Notepad++ is this faggy.

So download it

>Taiwan is gay
>China is based
So Taiwan is not China, right?

Your social credits have increased by 10

Wtf im using notepad++ now?

welcome to political social activism in tech.

Attached: modern-big-tech-FAGMAN.jpg (3840x2160, 1.83M)

download the 2008 edition

Huh. He didn't just jump on a bandwagon then I guess. Can respect that.

Taiwan is nationalist China

All they ever seem to do is suck off the mutts

What is with Indians and Notepad++?

i refuse to believe that candi brings plenty, the "queer indigenous non-binary two spirit warrior queen" is not satire. zach seems alright though

Is this your first time downloading it?

Attached: image.png (679x941, 92.12K)

The dev is from taiwan

lmaoing @ that Tim Chevalier guy

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For me, it's the "Samuel Paty" Edition.

best one

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 17.10.01.png (766x136, 36.83K)

Start paying attention to politics or get stomped on

Nah, but I never noticed it before. I usually install it from the terminal.

>no, only listen to MY side, don't listen to anyone else! only MY manipulation is right and good!
this guy is insane.

>I usually install it from the terminal.
winget or some third party manager?
Why download it now, did you need a redistributable for offline install?

this is just your average leftist

it's not like he didn't warn you

I don't remember these faggy slogans from 5+ years ago when I still used Windows and Notepad++. Must have been added fairly recently.

the first I knew of this was in the last year or so, when I saw it being discussed on HN. I didn't realise that he does this regularly.

I use scoop.

This too, have they been added recently?

captcha HAZRD

Attached: firefox_s8OG5mXhQ2.png (280x74, 2.95K)

Everything in that picture is based

>caring about the opinions of developers
It's cunts like you that caused the Linux code of conduct to be a fucking thing.
Alsoz use a fucking package manager pleb

people didn't care until the CoC came. it was these people who wanted it

+5 Social Credit points

Trannies are always a confused bunch, they love china because le pwnage of le capitalisms!!! But every 30 seconds are reminded that homsexuality is a mental illness in China, also that the Muslims that for some reason troons support (LOL) get thrown into iphone factories for an eternity