Is it really over for the zuck?

is it really over for the zuck?

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I don't think the zucc gives a fuck, he has so much money already.

I don't think he can be forced out, he owns a majority and I think based on his contract even with less than a majority he has most board seats. So he'll be fine. Once Europe backs down no one will step up to him.

>Once Europe backs down

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the more you own, the more you hate losing
when you and i lose money we go from 54987376 to 54987376+1
when you're at the top and you go from 6 to 7 it really hurts, especially if you spend entire nights struggling to reach that spot

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I'm calling their bluff, no one wants to be the group that banned facebook

until it runs out, then he will start crying bout how unfair life is and how he deserves to spend 20000€ a week on nonsense, the best part will be his kids who will be used to being rich and would literally burn all the money in a couple of years and then lose everything and live on the streets.

>The company is now worth less than 600 billion

They would screech for a year and then forget facebook even existed.
In my town they banned bulls on the streets, the mayor never got elected again, but the bulls never came back any year forward.

Facebook/Meta has been seriously losing ground for the past ~5-10 years, in desperation they've been buying other companies, which in turn has seen decline, like Instagram, Whatsapp (practically dead), Oculus VR (praying that the metaverse will save its ass).

The new generation they so desperately want has opted for Tik Tok, there's no turning this ship around at this point, not even a lame name change will make the younger generation think it's anything but lame.

Facebook died the moment people's moms joined.

20k a week is only 1m per year.
Zucc is not just your garden variety millionaire, he really doesn't need more money.

Facebook was the new Myspace, and now it's on track for becoming the new Myspace.

That worth is just a estimated valuation based upon potential revenue growth, the big shareholders don't actually think Facebook is worth anything remotely like $600 billion, they are just holding on to the shares for as long as they are above a certain margin of what they bought them for, once they hit that margin, they will dump, and as usual it will be the small time shareholders who will be left holding the bag of shit as the stock sinks.

Valuation of traded tech companies is little more than smoke and mirrors, dot-com bubble proved that beyond any doubt.

>I'm calling their bluff
Thinking meta would willingly lose access to the european market.
They are calling metas bluff. Nothing will happen, meta will accomodate the EU after throwing a few autistic fits and then things will go back to normal.


Suck Zukenberg

Kek, underrated.

Meta has to do some blockbuster buyout soon. Like roblox or some shit.
Or they are fucked

i bet FB will get $300 by EOY