Adderall is illegal in my country

>adderall is illegal in my country
it's over

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Good night brother.

>You don't understand, I NEED drugs to be a normal human being!

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If you think in terms of "legal" and "illegal", everything is "illegal".

Sweet dreams.

>noooo you shouldn't treat your illness with medicine this is unnatural
I think in terms of "hard to obtain"

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South Africa?


All programmers I know do adderall, even those without ADHD.

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>junkie only knows junkies
Imagine my shock.

south America?

Killing yourself is illegal in most countries. WTF.

>All programmers I know do adderall
They should be mouthbreathing brainlet retards if they need aderal to program

it's gonna be either street amph or 400% of MSRP in illegal countries, fuck homebrew and fuck paying for top dollar for meh stims. At this point just plant some quality sativa or even better shrooms.

You shouldn't need to do drugs to be able to do your job, unless you've a medical condition. I recommend getting good and learning to say no

>noooo you shouldn't treat your illness
Translation: imaginary problems

>All programmers I know do adderall
Do they also watch anime 12 hours a day and amount to exactly 0 people in total?

>street amp

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do meth pussy

Meth is way too strong and spiky, not great for long periods of concentration

>amped the fuck up

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>tfw no meth gf
I want the meth pussy...

Whatever imaginary problem you think you have OP; I assure you that you'll be better frequenting Any Forums less often.

of course shithead, it's literally amphetamine
ritalin is still legal in most country, idk what the genetic name is

Amphetamine is a fairly mild drug with no serious side effects with moderate use

This is why the playing fields are always unfair - because faggots like you try to assimilate with non junkies and tell yourself you can do this and that by pure "natty" power but you're wrong. You live under a mask telling yourself you have ADHD to even out the advantage you will have using it.

honestly this, I took it in high amounts and experienced psychosis, but I'd you take a normal perscribed dose you'll be fine. I'm getting my prescription back on Friday :)

in south america we haven't even discovered those drugs yet pal. if you have a problem you deal with it and focus/train your mind

me too brother I'm sick of paying this Dutch guy on Torrez over 1000$ for a month's supply of Addy.
I wish it was as easy to make as crystal meth I'd make my own lab.