Windows XP boomers are getting out of hand. The lower their market share gets...

Windows XP boomers are getting out of hand. The lower their market share gets, the more they demand software to work on XP. is full of them. The upcoming Firefox-based Mypal will unleash a new generation of XP zoomers too. Just accept that the operating system is obsolete and you've had 20 years to replace that old piece of software/hardware that depends on XP.

Attached: xpboomer.jpg (1920x1080, 1.45M)

Based boomers.

Attached: 37236200_478347022607929_5082215.jpg (749x749, 81.22K)

looks like homestuck senpai

ngl desu baka senpai

baka baka baka! :3

>noooo you must install le wandos 10
XP boomers are based and xp is an alright OS if you enable classic theme.
t. 7 user

:3c senpai

It's going to feel really weird and probably kinda shitty when I look back at these "30 year old boomer" memes when I'm 50+.

They're funny now but the older I get and the longer these meme stays relevant/visible the less ironic it's becoming.

>7 user
I don't wanna switch to 10 (who does), but I wanna have something strong enough to train AIs. Got any hardware recommendations?


Why yes, Im working on a new software to automate some industrial process and yes, the main target platform is XP

Attached: 424587.jpg (1080x1456, 192.43K)

Never heard of it, went on it, second comment I read on Google censoring developers:
>That's a a good thing. By taking these steps google is building more and more trust in it's users.

What a shithole of a website.

The Windows 7 start menu is really good.

They should have returned it in Windows 10 and 11.

As someone who recently "upgraded" to windows 7 and absolutely hate it to the very core of my being, I can very much understand why people would want to continue using xp.

The Chromium counterpart they're working on is chinkshit but they're too lazy to mitigate the inbuilt botnet

Honestly I'm surprised we haven't the CRT shitposters going all in on how you have to use XP and use it on a CRT

windows is dead
face it

Attached: requires-windows-95-or-better-so-i-installed-linux.jpg (800x800, 188.65K)

I would rather use Windows 95 in 2021 + 1 than current linux.

you retards don't understand
xp source is leaked, the future isnt windows or linux
its custom xp versions that can run all modern software while only taking up a few 100mb of ram for the entire system, ultra clean and fast, NO BOTNET unlike modern linux

well this would be illegal so i dont see how youd find people to work on it

>not killing yourself at 40


There's really not much reason to live past the age of 40 or so.