Downloading books on irc

>downloading books on irc
>accidentally type a command wrongly
>someone notices and types "LOL"
>later find out that anyone can whois you and doxx you
>deinstall the program

Attached: anime-girl.gif (468x498, 1.35M)

is this the power of irc?

stop making these threads faggot

you made this post before faggot. stop

fuck off with your pasta thread

your info is mine slut


Which books

Atlas Shrugged

Which IRC channels do you use to download books?

anyone can see your IP when you torrent something, too
if you care, use tor, they're only books

suck my cock op

I bet he would love to

>>later find out that anyone can whois you and doxx you
>not seeing a custom hostname

>Downloads books on irc
>Not libgen

Confirmed retarded

served you right for being a faggot

Why didn't you open a private channel with the bot and type all the commands there? That's what I did when I ran Dark Heresy over IRC in 2009.

>be le me
>idling on ryzon
>"hmm time to get some comic books"
>@find "Questionably Young Teenage Girl Comic Book"
>realize i typed this in a public room

Attached: GOLD.jpg (642x751, 134.11K)


who the fuck still uses irc in the middle of 21st century

Go away discord tranny groomer.