Are fleshlights/onaholes a meme if you've felt pussy before? are they realistic?

are fleshlights/onaholes a meme if you've felt pussy before? are they realistic?

I'm considering one cause I have the sex drive of a spastic monkey, but I'm not sure if it's worth it over just using my hand

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if you buy an onahole i can guarantee you thinking about how pussy feels ever again will be a complete waste of time for you.
youll never have to worrry about having sex with a woman.

sounds a little dangerous cause imagine if then I won't be able to get it up with the missus. but also sounds kinda freeing, cause I think about pussy way too much. It fucks up my productivity. I can fuck and feel horny 2 hours later like a teenager, and I'm well into my 20s.

life is suffering. Sometimes I wish I was asexual or some shit

if you last too long in bed with a woman they get bored. limp dick cant hurt

alright I'll take the risk. Got any recs for specific brands?


*THE tenga onahole

>I have the sex drive of a spastic monkey
You're not horny 24/7 because you just are, you're horny because you're letting yourself get exposed to sex 24/7.
Sex is everywhere these days, on Any Forums, on tv. Hell, even in the bus stops, disguised as advertisements.
Stop browsing Any Forums and control your addiction instead of feeding it.

I don't think it'll ever completely match up to the real thing honestly.

no, but who dates a man with an onahole collection

I disagree. I've been here since 2009 and am exposed to all the same sexually infused media as OP is but am rarely ever horny like I used to be throughout my teens/early & mid 20's. I'm well into my 20's like OP and have been with my wife for nearly 8 years now. The horniness comes and it goes but I'd say 95% of the time I couldn't give two fucks about sex and when I am horny it doesn't consume my thoughts like it used to. I'm still plenty attracted to my wife and we have a good sex life albeit pretty vanilla these days but craving sex isn't really a thing like it used to be for me. My brain just seems to know there's so many better and more productive things to do with my time than be horny and obsess over sex despite all of the exposure in media these days.

tl;dr: you're wrong and blaming media because you're a weak coomer who refuses to be accountable for their behavior

you don't need to date when you're married

collecting onaholes is a good way to speedrun divorce

lmao imagine fucking a real woman

You horny most of the time cause you have zero passion in your life and browse Any Forums.
Just stop using internet for 3 days and let's talk then.

i did that before and became three times as horny :/ had to rub one out to some big juicy pecs to think straight

How often are you having sex and is it good sex?

you've been with the same woman for at least 8 years retard, of course you don't want sex anymore
but people nowadays don't have long term relationships anymore thanks to media and they crave sex all the time partially because of media

Answering for them

3 days are not enough, try 3 months

3 days does if for me.


I still want sex, so does she. It just doesn't consume my every thought all the time like it used to even as recently as a few years ago. We have good sex 3-4 times a week and great sex 2-3 times a month.

second user and im a virgin
or... i can spend an hour or two jerking off in the morning every few days

bro i have a lot of passions, being horny is distracting me from my passions and not a result of me having none, ill do something and then i get so fucking horny that i just have to jack off, it starting to concern me

t.Person who never had any passion
GPT-3 bots so retarded

try not worrying about it. abuse stimulants and carve out time for your passions from sleep. its healthy

once daily or every 2 days and it's usually god tier. Sometimes twice a day in the weekends but that's becoming rare. She goes to sleep earlier now that she's doing her master's, and I'm always horny again, usually late at night by the time she's asleep. I don't like porn so I end up jerking off while looking at the ceiling and it just feels boring, cold and empty.
useful, thanks user. I hope I don't run into too much weird loli shit

my passion is drawing sexy ladies user, i am beyond saving

>imagine if then I won't be able to get it up with the missus
I don't have to.