How did you learn coding?

How did you learn coding?

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>They thinks it's still the 80s

learn computer transferable Arithmetic, and read the index of that book you posted. remember your favorite programs

cs50x on opencourseware

visit and join us on the telegram

Nand2tetris -> x86 assembly book -> the c++ programming language

I avoided this depreCated shit

A friend of mine had pic. related, his father borrowed it from work. No BASIC and no assembler at first, it was programming straight into the monitor.
Great times.

Attached: AIM65_s9500_005.jpg (3488x2616, 2.1M)

Good times

Computercraft was my favourite minecraft mod.

I just finished K&R, can you elaborate?

Dad showed me logo (the turtle drawing thing as a kid, maybe 8 years old), but I really only learned the concept of a loop from that.
Tried out HTML around age 11, didn't like it.
Learned Arduino in a robotics club at age 13-14. Moved on to C about a year later (never did anything complicated. Most advanced thing was game of life. Didn't even do pointers).
Learned the basics of python in school at 16.
At the same time learned TI-BASIC by being bored in math class.
Got into GNU/Linux at 17/18, learned bash.
Actually learned C by first trying to understand, then hacking around on programs I used (st, openbox, mc). Got K&R after realizing I liked it and worked through it.
Learned a bit more python for quick and dirty scripts.

i discovered that some automated trading sites had price which meant you could trade between them immediately for profit. python was an easy language to learn to take advantage of this, so i learned enough to have a working web scraper up within a couple days. discovered that web scraping is fun, so i stuck with it as a hobby and continue doing it all these years later

I started with html and CSS, moved to Linux, learned bash, then TeX, then JavaScript, then POSIX shell, then PHP, then C. My recommendation is to remove JS and start with POSIX shell.

First, I read a book online about 6502 asm which had very simple explanations. Later I read this (~14 years ago). After that, I read a few books about C++03 and several chapters of "Art of Assembly"...

Learnt python when I was 14 in school, then took a break during High school / Sixth form. Mostly red O'reilly books now combined with stack overflow

I prayed to be blessed with the knowledge and my prayer was answered.

I wanted to make games, and just learn to program, tried Java, Python when I was 15 but couldn't get into it. Learned MatLab in university and liked programming, learned C on my own in order to do embedded and low level stuff but didn't like working with addresses and micro controllers that much. Now I'm learning web dev shit and whatever I need to get my projects going. I'm liking it so far, I can pick up stuff quick. C gave me a good foundation on most things except objects and classes.

>First, I read a book online about 6502 asm
Truly, a gentleman of refined taste.

Attached: 6502_Monster_A1_1.jpg (1800x1200, 336.04K)

Why do you hate yourself?
Dumb pun

this book is outdated, whoever told you to use this book to learn is trolling you

C++ is King