Plasma 5.24

It's here bros. Today's the day

Attached: KDEPlasma.png (770x515, 27.36K)

still a fucking garbage

Is it still ugly?

100% guaranteed something is broken

Attached: 1640668600903.png (548x548, 412.12K)


kde: krash another day

There will always be something broken in any software.
I expect to be less broken things since this will be an LTS release paired with an LTS Ubuntu release.
This will be my setup for the next 5 years. I can feel it.

Make it usable on Wayland and I'll consider

Look at this gnigger cope. They have nothing left but impotent rage. You should be happy for KDE Plasma and what it has become (the leading DE)

>S-something will be b-broken
This is the state of KDE detractors

It is really ugly though.

Niccolo where the fuck are you? Fucking retard I know you lurk here, you Italian shit. Trst je Slovenija. Someone needs to put these footfags in their place.

drawing tablets work, get you cant configure them, I guess its gonna take another year for the first usable implementation of wayland


you can make it look the way you like

>Qt theme:
>bad port of a GTK theme
>Icon theme:

of course, KDE ships things with no Q/A testing.

>don't talk what I don't like or you are a *insert things I don't like here*

Doesn't matter, still krashes.

Kubuntu's updates supports is only 3 years, no?