The YouTube ads on my phone app are utterly fucking ridiculous that I refuse to use it until I find a (final) solution...

The YouTube ads on my phone app are utterly fucking ridiculous that I refuse to use it until I find a (final) solution. How the FUCK do I stop these gay fucking ads from playing every single fucking video?

Attached: thethingscript240.jpg (750x319, 55.73K)

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The YouTube app is pure bloat
I just started using the mobile youtube website in firefox for android + ublock origin
its the same experience as the app but better

YouTube Vanced. Someone took apart the official app and removed the ads, so Vanced looks and feels like the normal app but all video ads and many feed ads are gone. You can use it without root, just install the included MicroG apk first - this replicates the Google services that the app can't use since it's not an official Google app. You can then disable the official app.
With root you can uninstall the official app and replace it with a Vanced that installs as the same ID and does work with the builtin Google services.

Install Newpipe.

just use invidious instances, the final solution is to not attempt to use youtube directly may it be on desktop or phones, adblock doesn't even matter then

If you're not using vanced or newpipe you're a retard OP.

However I give you props for posting an 8mage from the best sci-fi horror movie ever made.

Firefox Mobile with ublock works great. I never see youtube ads.

Youtube Vanced or Private DNS.

I prefer Vanced but use Private DNS if I'm feeling lazy

Get a job and pay like 10 bucks a month

Why the fuck are you using an app when it runs in a browser?

You should watch the ads to support content creators.

Attached: 1643406166765.jpg (750x813, 93.21K)

You should block all ads to avoid supporting big tech.

Content creators can be funded via in video ads, donations, merch, etc.

Use Firefox and install uBlock Origin, it just werks.

My phone is too slow to run youtube on a browser. Newpipe is lightweight and just works.

Fuck no faggot. Never fucking again.

I am fine with non-intrusive ads on web pages, and will even click them if they interest me. But flashing, video and content-covering ads on top of the text I'm trying to read need to be stopped. And since malware and browser-hijacking ads come from seemingly all ad servers, I just block them all as best I can, for my own safety.
Ads interrupting videos are another level of obnoxious though. Ads on a text page, I can either read past or stop and look at when I'm at a reasonable place in the text. But ads that stop the video and play at 2x the volume of what I was listening to? If I wanted that, I'd watch TV.

Use the mobile site in brave.

Or Firefox if it works, never tried it on mobile

pay for yt red

Fuck "content creators". If you think you're entitled to real life dollarydoos for shitting out meme videos, the only thing you deserve is a single 00 buckshot to the back of the head.

OP if you want to block ad domaines on your phone and computer use this script that updates your /etc/hosts file
or you can add the link to the hosts file to apps like DNS-filter or personal-DNS


Use NewPipe you fucking retard.

Why should OP pay Youtube money when he could pay them nothing and use an app that properly handles ad blocking? Why are you wasting $120 every year? If I told you that every year on New Year's Eve, I withdrew $120 from an ATM and set it on fire, would you consider me a reasonable person?

I’ve had YouTube premium since it launched as YouTube Red and I’ve never watched an ad since. It’s totally worth it

If you use Jewtube enough to be bothered by ads, then its a product you consume enough to spend $10 a month on. Why should Jewgle give you video bandwidth for free? You choose to support the zionist beast by watching heir propaganda, might as well pay for it. Or just, you know, don’t watch it.