Babies' first distro after Ubuntu?

Is there any point in using Fedora over Ubuntu? They're both spiritually owned by IBM and push whatever they want (Systemd, GNOME, Flatpaks/Snaps...etc). I find the way Fedora copies Windows 10 updates hilarious, so much for "muh Linux only reboots with kernel updates". Is it just a zoomer cope because they're not using "noobuntu" anymore or is there an actual reason to use it?
>inb4 "semi-rolling distro"
You can get up do date software just fine in Ubuntu

Attached: mladyOS.png (2048x2048, 111.93K)

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fedora literally starts with a f which stands for faggot. Do you really want to be associated with that crowd ?

Use arch instead or void and maybe debian but from the sounds of it you will probally fuck up installing that as well.

Call me when Ubuntu has an immutable OS like Silverblue.

gcc/glibc unmaintained
le blm tweet
why not just use ubuntu?

>why not just use ubuntu?
My point exactly. I'm just curious about what is it that Fedora does better than Ubuntu? They're the same distro with different colors

>They push whatever they want (Systemd, GNOME, Flatpaks/Snaps...etc).
They don't push Snaps, Canonical does.

>why not just use ubuntu?
kys, NOW!

just do a lsblk on your cunted systems and see how many sandboxes you have running. Gay snaps and flatpakis.

like what is so goddamn hard about using pacman, and compiling source code and patching it.

and half the faggots who are saying gcc is unmaintained literally do a flip onto your dads dick, unless you program in it or use it everyday and you rely on the NEWEST features of it who fucking cares.

arch literally starts with an a which stands for aidsfaggot. do you really want to be associated with faggots with aids?

use nigger distro or kikeOS, but from the sounds of it you're an aids faggot and will die

Mainainability for a start. Upgrading to new versions of Fedora is virtually without problems for the last 8+ years, especially if you wait a 2-4 weeks after launch.
Ubuntu is famously terrible from one version to the next, and if you stick to a LTS, ends up with very old packages.

>"muh Linux only reboots with kernel updates"
That's a Gnome thing, you can just install another DE or download an ISO with it preinstalled.

Both are spiritually owned by IBM and they'll push for whatever they want. Canonical will drop Snaps soon and adopt Flatpaks as well
I'm not attacking Arch user, I saw the mailing list about the upcoming fix but ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION. Why would you use Fedora over Ubuntu? They're the same thing but Fedora has shittier updates

That was so cringe, you sound like a actual nigger, just kill yourself faggot. Get back on your distro that starts with the letter F which stands for faggot, faggot.

uh-oh we've got an aids faggot alert watch out of he'll give you fag aids

I wouldnt use either of them, both suck balls. I hate installing ANY os with over 1000 packages filled with bloat and bugs and then not understanding what the issue is cause guess what, its impossible to find the cause.

when I install arch I build up from 150 packages and the second something breaks(which doesnt happen often) I know exactly how to trouble shoot it. Hence in the long run my system becomes just bEtTeR

I see. You're right about Ubuntu updates bricking often but I had it happen on Fedora as well, their dreaded updating blue screen went on for over 2h and never finished

ngl you kinda gay dude

>the second something breaks
That's the problem, Arch breaks while Fedora doesn't

Every distro breaks user (except for GNU GUIX), more often than you think, you may not even realize that some small things are broken in your system right now. Fedora's fetish for Flatpaks and GNOME bring more problems than Arch ever could (unless you're retarded). Forget it all and take the Guix pill.

Attached: Guix.png (1200x1360, 944.65K)

In such case I should then install Windows or get a mac.

>They're both spiritually owned by IBM
how is Ubuntu owned or even influenced by IBM
>so much for "muh Linux only reboots with kernel updates".
I haven't rebooted my Fedora laptop in over a month
>is there an actual reason to use it
SELinux out of the box, Btrfs by default, don't have to uninstall or reconfigure bloat like Snap, don't have to deal with APT, etc.
>why not just use ubuntu?
holy shit, the absolute state

stop shilling for the unsupported uterus, if you're going to trick people into using a meme for devops at least shill Nix.