Matlab basic coding

Hey guys, I need help with a project of code in Matlab that involves the knowledge of transformations with Images.
To be honest I need your help so much I am even willing to pay for your help.
Please help me, my all semester depends on that.

contact: [email protected]

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Nigga read the documentation. It's just functions that you insert matrices in.

>transformations with Images.
What do you mean by that?
I only know a bit of Matlab, cant tell if I can help you whis this vague description

I quit engineering to switch to a history degree and even I aced my matlab course. Stop being retarded.

its probably some Fourier thing hes to stupid to understand

>You just can't make it in modern engineering if you don't know how to use MATLAB

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Not sure what the hold up is OP.
In Matlab much like Python there is a code example for every fucking possible thing that you could ever want.
Now stop being lazy and use Google.

I have a project of coding in matlab that you have a image of your choice that you have to part in 9 pieces and distribute randomly after that you have to press "D"(DOWN), "U"(UP), "L"(LEFT), "R"(RIGHT) and that will move one of the 9 pieces that its complete dark, and when u move it like a puzzle and complete it, will show the original image complete.

Come on you can figure this out. Just tell us your initial ideas and we can give you some input.

Just the other day I was on last semester's academic misconduct disciplinary board for my university, weighing in on the degree to which cheating is likely to have affected outcome - but not judging myself.

Cheating has become rampant post-covid, but do you know what has become even more rampant? Extortion and blackmail. I'd say about 80% of the students up for misconduct either admitted their misconduct because they were threatened to be outed by the company or individual who did their work for them, or alternatively they ran out of money to pay up and were then outed.

In all cases, irrespective of reason or circumstance, we expelled the student unceremoniously and added the record of cheating to their educational register.

Who knows how it is in your country, but take that as a word of warning. If they don't know your name, they simply send the work in to the relevant professor (or sometimes to several misconduct boards if they can't guess your university) and say that this person paid to cheat.

Anyway, if you can't do Matlab I suggest you study, pay for a tutor if you must, or retake the class. It's very easy, and eventually you'll be outed for your incompetence, either in your studies or work.

Ok I just want something to start with, I know nothing from where to start

Then read the documentation, find relevant examples online, look for related posts on stack exchange; if you don't know how to start you don't understand the subject.

You can't even formulate the problem you're trying to solve, you just make an ambiguous low quality post (which should be pruned as homework help a la /sci/'s rules).

Everything is documented in Matlab.
I took a voluntary two week workshop after the exam period of the semester in which we tried out face recognition and the tracking of moving objects in film using Matlab. I knew nothing about Matlab when I started, yet with a short introduction I was able to solve all the exercises. It's astonishingly easy. (The theoretical ground work of course having been laid during the semester's lecture period.)

I guess the easy way would be to tile your image into 9 pieces. You can create new small matrices called a,b,c etc..Create a 3,3 random matrix which serves as you starting point. Insert your blocks(eg small matrices into) in an original image of that size. You should know theit positions based on the size of the small blocks.
Then when you push a button you update your 3x3 matrix and update the blocks in the big image.
Everytime you have done that you evaulate if your 3x3 matrix is equal to a small 3x3 matrix that contains the original order.
Kinda an ugly solution but im at work.

Matlab's syntax is very easy and intuitive and actually well documented. You DO know the basics of image processing and computer vision to solve your problems, right? With this knowledge there shouldn't be any issue whatsoever.

You might go old school and check out a book from the university's library. I know ours had Gonzalez/Wood's Digital Image Processing Using Matlab. It probably contains what you need.

That being said im puzzled by your description. Where is the image processing?

Matlab is literally designed to be used by people that have zero idea about programming, it's as straightforward as you can possibly get.
Read the documentation, if you can't manage to understand it you deserve to fail.

Can you open a PDF document?

i have to basically write a sliding tile puzzle in MATLAB

>transformations with Images
let me guess, jpg compression?

Look up fast Fourier transforms.

Attached: pepe_science.gif (407x407, 421.65K)

1. Load image.
2. Read about mat2cell

yeah here are the steps...
1. Grab My Ass
2. Kiss It

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