I'm trying to kill Pulseaudio on Debian, g/. Help me out

I'm trying to kill Pulseaudio on Debian, g/. Help me out.

Attached: anime-computer.gif (498x278, 3.27M)

pulseaudio -k

Attached: psicochurroz-temple-os.png (1600x1200, 59.7K)

The thing is that I'm trying to install a midi keyboard but pulseaudio is getting on the way.
I just play my keyboard, bros.

Why is linux so hard, goddammit?


systemctl --user stop pulseaudio.service
as user

>systemctl --user stop pulseaudio.service
Failed to connect to bus: Operation not permitted (consider using --machine=@. host --user to connect to bus of other user


sudo pkill pulseaudio
sudo systemctl stop pulseaudio

Do u use PAM?
If you are connecting via ssh you should enable PAM in sshd_config with
UsePAM yes

if not, you need to install dbus or idk
Its rare to get that error if you are using graphical interface

Run it as root
>but pulseaudio is getting on the way
Pulseaudio does not handle midi, ALSA does.

Is there a simpler way to play a Rhodes Electric PIano in this distro?

I'm already tired, man. I don't even wanna turn it on anymore. I just wanted to play mindlessly (God, I hate controller keyboards so much is unreal).
I'm gonna buy a physical, 'real' instrument.
I don't wanna deal with this kind of software bullshit.

Use qsynth, it handles soundfont files. You need to set it up using pulseaudio or alsa as an audio driver, with alsa_seq (alsa sequencer) as your midi driver. It should automatically connect to your controller.

I see misato I upvote
>inb3 reddit lalalalala


we warned you about pottering but did you listen.

install gentoo with USE=-pulseaudio

pulseaudio is running here, on debian, and I can get my arturia minilab working just fine under waveform

If you have trouble with hw, you can try ubuntu studio, has the advantage of realtime kernel

Pulse has literally nothing to do with midi, you've got an alsa problem or are just not using the correct applications

i hear pipewire is the new hotness

systemd is the best thing to happen to desktop linux. prove me wrong, protip you can't.


OP here.
Just forget it, bros. I simply downloaded LMMS, but the things here work too slow seemly.
So I just gave up.
Shit is unplayable, I don't know about you.
Also, the timbre is awful (every single one).