Why are zoomers

desktop computers today can do what desktop computers could do 25 years ago, and are only marginally better at it (excluding games). And since hardware was thousands of times slower back then this can only mean software has degraded dramatically. I blame the zoomers.

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It's not zoomers, it's the silicon valley mentally of rapid prototyping and pushing shit out the door with the absolute bare fucking minimum, then just fixing it as you go, rather than finishing the fucking project and doing traditional support through it's life.

Its because current day coding is bloat and garbage and code back then was taking full advantage of the hardware.

>desktop computers today can do what desktop computers could do 25 years ago
If all you do is shitpost and play vidya all day the yeah computers haven't changed that much in 20 years.

this is a symptom of a greater problem though, silicon valley is so bloated with employees, the majority of them make random, useless (oft detrimental) changes to the projects they work on in order to justify their employment.
Please do an airflow analysis in CATIA V3 on a period computer, then on a modern PC with V6.

This is also true. There's too much venture capital in tech, unfortunately. I can only ever see it sorting itself out in time, truth be told.

It's not zoomers who make the shitty code, it's whoever manages these projects, hires pajeets and gives them one week to finish the entire thing

Nice dumbassery. Software has improved significantly in the last 35 years, not even 25, as has the hardware.

We have much more reliable, cheaper, faster hardware. Everything is hot swappable and not some exotic bullshit. SSDs and HDDs are extremely reliable. I remember shit failing all the fucking time for no reason. Also, USB. Fuck everything before that. Parallel sucked, SCSI is shit, Serial was slow and should only be used for console. USB is plug and play, the way it should be. I don't care. I just want to plug shit in and do work, and be able to unplug it and the thing turns back on and just works with other devices.

Software is better now too. The only thing that has really changed other than a million new higher-level languages which make programming easier, are the advent of more APIs, which again, make shit easier to use, and libraries, which make it so you aren't constantly reinventing the fucking wheel. Yes, it would be NICE if programmers would not bloat with a million of these and actually optimize code, but our computers are so fast and have so much RAM that honestly, most of us are not using, that it's irrelevant.

My biggest thing is agile coding, which I think is silly. It takes away creating a finished project and emphasizes building half assed shit that you can get out the door in a cobbled state, and has affected everything from game development to websites and development of CRMs and other business software.

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> Zoomer who never used a 25 year old computer

Agile is absolute cancer. God dammit.

It's not zoomers. It's the culture of "move fast, break things".

You mean the way to develop?
Yes, waterfall is better.

Fucking based fellow boomer who recalls the days when hardware and systems was unreliable as fuck. I often hear newer sysadmins lament about how older sysadmins didn't have to worry about such complex software.
>Wow imagine only having to manage l, like, 2 we servers and a file server
Yeah, and they were big, complex, and fickle as fuck. Not to mention out of reach for the average person, so someone who knew how to manage a webserver REALLY had to rtfm, not watch a cute manic pixie girl give them a 20 minutes run down on YouTube.

The tools have improved software and hardware. The ones who wield these tools are the reason things have become bloated. We teach the new generation of developers with a top level view not understanding how we got here in the first place. Most my coworkers come from business or pajeet tier Java backgrounds. When back then developers knew the hardware intimately. The ease of entry in the developer space is a blessing and a curse.

> Software has improved significantly in the last 35 years
If you mean by having most of the software be electron apps, then yes.

>waterfall is better
enjoy your pension boomer

There is no need to optimize the code anymore, if you use one more megabyte of ram it won't matter whatsoever, people have fucking 16 and 32 gigs as normal, back in the first DOS computers the bill gates dude said you only needed 640KB of ram and that meant people would have to be really thoughtful of what they coded.

as if the fucking ram use is the only measurement of bloat and inefficiency...

I know it's not, but I didn't thought there were people so dense in this fucking board.

XP had no robotics support, no 3d printing support, horrible cad support, horrible rendering support, no 4k support. there is more to computers than games bro.

those are hardware / 3rdparty software issues, not limitations of windows xp.