Use Manjaro

Use Manjaro

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>using a distro based on a distro

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Arch is too complex to set up

No it isn't. You basically saying "following instructions is hard". Arch even includes an installer these days.

With Manjaro you just press a few buttons and you're up and running

Same can be said about installing any OS. You're pressing a few buttons on a device that works exclusively with buttons.

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arch has an installer now. manjaro is deprecated

based and same

I was saying the same thing 1 year ago, I installed manjaro, but then I uninstalled it because it has a lot of crap and they hold the updates for a week, then I started to install arch linux reading the wiki and I could do it, have I had problems? Yes, but most of those problems are in the arch wiki (like for example the problem of having your steam games with proton in a NTFS partition) and so far I haven't had any problem, and if I have one, I check the arch wiki

Arch is for fat guys, Manjaro is for kawaii anime girls

Nigga i weigh 60kg and I am 175 cm tall

That's not really the issue here. The issue is that Manjaro doesn't really offer any value.

>installs a desktop environment and programs (that you probably dont want all of)
>adds a theme you can use on any distro
>holds arch packages for a week, no testing
>DDoSs the AUR since every Manjaro machine is HARD CODED to update at the exact same UTC time/date.

If you're just installing to a blank drive arch-install is fairly decent.

Personally, I use a distro based on a distro based on a distro... but all three steps add value.

1) Debian - huge software repository
2) Ubuntu LTS - makes Debian have less hassles, stabilizes testing/unstable into something that's usually newer than Debian Stable but just as stable
3) KDE neon - adds day 1 software updates for KDE and related programs on top of an Ubuntu LTS base

Sure, I could just use Kubuntu and the backports PPA and achieve something similar, but it gives me what I want out of the box with minimal hassle.

If there was a "Ubuntu Manjaro" it would just hold packages (read: security patches) for a week, offer a few desktops with themes, and DDoS the repositories. There are a few "distros" which do something similar, but they're not shilled here on Any Forums. Mint actually has the Cinnamon desktop, but the other variants don't offer anything of note.

Attached: tux neon.png (3072x3072, 273.33K)

Use Arch btw

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timedatectl set-ntp true
cgdisk /dev/sdx
512MiB ef00
rest 8300
mount /dev/sdxy /mnt
mount /dev/sdxy /mnt/boot
pacstrap linux linux-firmware networkmanager vi efibootmgr grub
genfstab -U >> /mnt/etc/fstab
arch-chroot /mnt
ln -sf /usr/sahre/zoneinfo/Noa/Lot >> /etc/localtime
hwclock --systohc
echo opisafaggot >> /etc/host
vi /etc/locale.gen
uncomment #xx_XX.UTF-8
echo xx_XX.UTF-8 >> /etc/locale.conf
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=OPLOVESDICK
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
systemctl enable NetworkManager
umount -R /mnt

no. too much green. It's fucking disgusting.
No. I refuse to waste time theming. Vanilla Gnome or fuck off.

Forgot partition formatting, but yeah, it's like 30 commands or something to install, another 3 to set up your user, and then you install a de

No, thanks, I'm good on Mint.

Honest question. If you're just following the instructions to install arch, isn't that just like using manjaro? What makes manjaro manjaro except for the general configuration of the environment that you would implicitly be opting out of controlling when you just follow the instructions to install arch.
Is it just that it's bloated by someones assessment?

No thank you. I'll stick with Debian stable.

enjoy your tranny DE, faggot

Just use Debian and stop falling for the tranny memes