Is nim worth learning?

Thoughts on Nim? I just got done getting filtered by Zig, so I was thinking of learning nim instead. Is it worth learning as a systems / low level programming language? I'm a Cnile, for reference.

Attached: Nim-logo.png (1187x900, 42.02K)

How the fuck did you get filtered by Zig?

Lack of documentation, and too young of a language. Spent like 10 minutes just to figure out how to for through an arraylist.

Nim is very cool, I don't know if it will catch on the business side, only the status messaging app is behind it in production development. But if you want to learn more about languages and experiment, you can get great performance similar to Julia and very close to C/C++. With very careful usage you can use it for low level stuff. You don't have to use pointers and manual memory management is not really encouraged.

>search "zig foreach" in google
>click in the first link
>search for "for loop"
>the second match is a for loop on a array

>Is nim worth learning?
No, except if you're ok with being unemployed

I wasn't trying to do it on an array, I was trying to do it on an arraylist. At first I thought items was a slice, but apparently not, and the stdlib reference doesn't give me any other options, so I was SOL. I'm sure I'd get it eventually, but if looking through their official documentation is going to be a chore, I'd just rather go somewhere else for now, nothing against the language itself.

>You don't have to use pointers and manual memory management is not really encouraged.
Pitty, that's the way I enjoy doing things.

I am employed, and I also have personal projects. I don't give two shits about enterprise languages because I already know them all, and they all suck dick.

If the for syntax used in Array doesn't work in ArrayList then there's something wrong with this language.
But still, you also could just read the tests, there wouldn't be very hard to find an test using a for loop. But If the language requires you to go to such lengths then it's obviously immature.

>compile to C
>not even compile to LLVM


>not a zigger
Ngmi bro, just give up

just use Rust already. holy fucking shit.

I did and it sucked. Sucked the fun out of everything I did with it. It was unironically amazing how tedious that language is. I'd rather not be leashed because some troon can't code for shit.

>Filtered by zig
>Filtered by rust
You can't learn these languages in a week moron

Did rust for about 6 or so months, so get fucked. I told you my problem with zig too, nothing against the language.

Nim is nice but compile times are kinda long and personally I find the docs to be very shit. At first the language looks like python but then becomes complex. Also I kinda hate those pragmas and operator overloading. Macros are cool. I wouldn't use it as a systems language since learning it was a pain in the ass.

>just become a type theory PhD with 15 years of C++ experience
Holy fucking shit indeed. I'll just stay here and write code in low-IQ languages, thanks.

> Nim is kino.
As a Python user (for work) I use Nim and the 'module' Nimpy to create faster Python functions.
The switch from Python to Nim is smooth.
For work i need to annotate my Python code, and therefor the switch was easy.
Nim is really just like annotated Python code.

The built-in NamedTuple of Nim is so usefull.
The block statement is great for breaking multi-loop.

Fuck me, I wish Nim would have the funding Go received...

Go learn some Nim, you'll be suprised what a versatile language it is.

Attached: python_its_crown.png (700x350, 56.2K)

>doesn't have a package manager like Cargo
>does not guarantee memory safety
>the core developers can't be arsed to write documentation and their response to any question is "just read the compiler's source code bro"
What the fuck is the point of Zig? It offers nothing compared to other meme languages.

> Know Python
> learn some Nim
> compile Nim to C
> build the C code as an Actual Portable Executable with Cosmopolitan
> run your compiled code on Micro$oft, GNU/Linux and B(ased)SD.

Once I figured out that I didn't need a LLVM/JVM or intreperter I was hooked.

For me C is to archaic to learn, Nim just hits the spot.

is it a crown or a bearded king?