Why does Big Tech fear this?

Why does Big Tech fear this?

Attached: headphone-pin.jpg-.jpg (841x667, 35.17K)

Any alternative to wireless cuts into sales of AirPodsĀ®.

Because it cucks DRM

does it? almost everything still uses it afaik

it's an awful connector, but by god it's our awful connector

batteries are planned obsolescence
software updates are planned obsolescence
wireless headphones/earbuds are digital, thus easier to track
bluetooth modules are cheaper to implement because tou dont need to add a dac chip and physical connector
consoomers have been brainwashed the wireless is better due to convenience

None of this matters to people who have money. Unironically stop being poor, if you cannot afford to buy new hardware every 5 years, you should spend less time posting and instead focus on increasing your income

stfu cia nigger

Because seeing it triggers the trannys. They remeber what they cut off. And the fact that it always going to be better than the alternative.

except i literally own a 2500 dollar pair of iems whose cable alone cost more than the airpods max.

it makes a hole and for water there's no little enough hole

or that's the excuse


>not groun

I mean that's a good thought but most phone's support a USB DAC anyway so it's obviously not the case. I think it's just to save a few cents by not adding a 3.5mm jack to the device

paying more than 600 for headphones or iems is retarded

Analog bad

paying more than 50 bucks for headphones or iems is retarded

>stop being poor
>but if you actually spend money, that's retarded too
average apple user
paying $2000 for a phone over two years just to keep up with the rest of the sheep

You need a DAC if you want your phone to have speakers. Wireless just means u need 2 DACs.

for most people, yes, but not for /dmp/ bros

>wireless headphones, etc. can be sold for a larger sum
>most people (like myself) prefer wireless anyway
>getting rid of the obsolete wired faghole makes the hardware look better

it never breaks