The single greatest obstacle to linux's mass adoption

It is cheap imitation. Let me explain.
Recently I found my old macbook from 2011 I had to use for school. I wiped it clean and installed the latest compatible "Mac OS X". I had a sudden and profound realization, all popular linux distros are trying to copy mac os. Sure, I had known this was happening at a surface level but now I could really feel it in my own hands.
For instance, look at ubuntu and its derivatives. All the GUIs appear as if they were chinese clones of mac os specifically. The same goes for many other distros, and a lot of them try to copy windows too.
Let me tell you this from the perspective of a former windows user slowly exploring and switching over to linux over the past year or two: I do not want a cheap imitation of another operating system. I want at least some the benefits of the prior and none of the downsides, along with all the new benefits of linux itself.
Why would I switch from winblows if most linux distros only offer me a worse, and far inferior IMITATION without deep and extended customization, essentially making my own distro entirely?
If you want to harness the mass market of computer users who aren't willing to deep dive like me and learn what linux is all about, you need to STOP IMITATING SHITTY SOFTWARE BECAUSE IT IS POPULAR.
Mac OS should not be used as a pillar of design work in computing, instead, it should be used as a proof even braindead retards are capable of using UNIX based operating systems, given enough training wheels.

Attached: doomguys-madness-1800x1080.jpg (633x380, 26.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Let linux be linux. Make the greatest linux software there can be, let there be no more mac os copy shart ware which will never in 1 million years live up to the smoothness, tailored feel and elegance of mac os.
It doesn't matter how hard that pill is to swallow because it is reality. Yes, I too had a seething hatred of being made to use Mac OS in school at the time even as a winblows user, but in retrospect there are many unmistakable and unforgettable parts of the mac experience. You Will Not Ever Imitate This! So stop trying and make something NEW.
People are literally dying of hunger and thirst for a linux distro which isn't total SHART WARE or relegated to NEET powerusers. Software like DWM is a good example of a middle ground which normal users could be taught to use without too much difficulty, and it also maintains an original design philosophy seemingly unique to linux.

I think my favorite part is where you went on a massive rant about Linux but never mentioned anything besides desktop applications.
> Apache is the only reason you know that Linux exists.


We already have this, it's called GNOME.

Attached: file.png (930x581, 223.68K)

This is exactly what I mentioned, shitty imitationware
Just stop it already, this is killing linux's potential to forever outclass winblows and iFaggotware
>B-b-b-b-b-but muh
It doesn't matter. Normies will simply stop using linux if it feels exactly like mac os but shittier. The time for something new is now, people are fed up with the direction windows and mac both are going.

god your too stupid to know the difference between the desktop and the operating system

>Literal MacOS clone
>Top bar is somehow more useless than Mac's
>Can't turn on dark mode without gedit getting autism
Yeah, no.

You have never used GNOME.

No, if you had the slightest inkling of reading comprehension, you would understand my post is explaining the obstacle to Linux's mass adoption.
To almost ALL computer users today, the desktop IS THE OS
In fact, windows and mac os began as graphical window managers. Windows is literally called windows.
If linux wants to become number one, and therefore move all computing towards open source this obstacle MUST be overcome.

>You have never used GNOME.
About time you kys

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-02-04 13-52-38.png (1278x875, 151.6K)

Oh so you're retarded then.

Only DE that does Wayland right :-(

Only GNUSTEP and Cocotron reimplement macOS API from the bottom instead of copying look

i didnt read jack shit of what you just said but apparently the gnome user just found out that macos copied gnome lol

Attached: ezgif-5-8af54dc4860e.gif (394x418, 1.18M)

Attached: OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAilFMrsrDViOvETcjOTJ0Zs.gif (250x250, 127.62K)

The perfect GUI already exists, and it is on Linux.

Attached: xfce.gif (737x720, 646.47K)

Proving my point man, it's another gay macos/windows cloneware. plus it looks like shit.
It's currently installed on my thinkpad and I hate it.

Behold, something unique. Enlightment 16.

Attached: fravza9fzie31.jpg (1152x864, 820.67K)

>it's another gay macos/windows cloneware
Having a panel and windows does not mean it's a copy of [thing that looks similar] you fucking faggot.
Your blog was already retarded enough, but *THIS*?
>plus it looks like shit
>why does it not have flashy colour!!! Nooo a desktop shouldn't be useful, it should be pretty!"!!
Stay with Windows retard, we don't want you here.

Another unique environment, an unix classic. CDE.

Attached: 17_CDE.png (1280x1024, 148.03K)

An fvwm2 theme
Nowadays, it's harder to maintain the consistency of such uniqueness because gtk3 has fat titlebars, and all themes look very ugly, particularly Adwaita.
Gtk2 wasn't like this. But linux's nature of always moving means that everything becomes... more trannied.

Attached: luthien.gif (1152x864, 339.63K)

GNOME is shit.
t. gnome user (xfce)

This one isn't linux. It's irix instead. It was pilfered off a desktop thread. However it's unique.

Attached: 1642208130798.png (1600x1200, 788.34K)

I wish gtk3 would just die.
