Holy fuck frontend programming is so hard

holy fuck frontend programming is so hard

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It's literally the easiest "programming" there is. Please consider another industry, we're really oversaturated.

It's less conceptually difficuly just far more tedious. user interfaces don't lend themselves to being defined in purely logical terms. CSS is the worst. I'm always thinking there must be a better way to do this... I love programming but there's nothing more frustrating than getting held up on actually achieving something because some item behaves weirdly when the viewport is in a certain state, etc

if you think its easy then you're not making hard things

What's front end programming? Do you mean like taking a commandline program and making a GUI for it or is this webshit speak?

If it's the former, it's the easiest shit ever. If it's the latter, fuck off pajeet.

You are lucky that you haven't touch low level programming yet.


I learnt some reactjs/redux and even applied for some jobs, is it production code really that hard ? I fail to see how

oh it's so easy? make google docs

Try making it in C++ and tell me which is harder.

>product of a megacorporation which took years to be good worked on by a massive team of people
>is better at some things than microsoft office despite being in the browser
That's the hardest webapp you can make. There's a lot of easy shit

why are you turning this into a comparison? why can't they both be hard? And btw I'm sure frontend is harder than C++

This, i still dont understand how no one figured out the best way to write ui logic. Backend has architectural patterns that haven't changed and decades and work well meanwhile the way to write frontend code changes every couple of years

The "hard" part of production code is that those niggers add every flavor and every framework at a single application, instead of having a react app or a nextjs app they add stuff like

monorails repo with ruby 2.5 and typescript with turbo links and the whole thing is compiled by drake within a docker container, and inside the docker container you have to run "npm install && npm start" in order to start your application, so many big companies isn't only "frontend bruh", it's a front end made in the most difficult way glued with a bunch of languages and frameworks

Depends, are we talking from scratch or are you using a widget toolkit like GTK or Qt? Because that is most certainly easier than frontend

Oh you sweet summer child

>npm install && npm start
as opposed to ?


Web development is not hard.

Not even difficult. You're just a brainlet.

backend is only CRUD I/O, in the frontend you user interactions and asynchronous operations play a bigger role which is only topped by vector calculations in 3D space.

Do some real programing then come back and complain

>What's front end programming? Do you mean like taking a commandline program and making a GUI for it

I'd love to learn how to do this.
Any1 know of any resources that can teach me?

> backend is only CRUD I/O
> never made anything more complex than a todo app