Holy fuck Bjarne is autistic

holy fuck Bjarne is autistic

>let's code this program
>ok we're skipping how to program this function just pretend it's already there
>ok now go to my website to get function
>gotcha it doesn't actually work
>let's debug the program
>ok now let's actually write the function
>we must now rewrite the whole thing

Anyone else tried reading this book?

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Just read pic related

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it's not in the list

>learning C++ in 2022 from scratch
at this point just take the rust pill

And that right there is the essence of C++. No wonder there are so many people with (valid) complaints.

rust syntax is aids

Tranny comments aside, what are the merits of Rust?

discarded. programming books that aren't addison-wesley or starch are trash and pajeet baits. I have never seen an apress/packt/o'reilly book that couldn't be resumed in a blogpost

You're right, user. It's the most convoluted book I've ever tried to read. At one he starts talking about tokenization and parse trees, which has no place outside a compiler book. Like what the fuck, Bjarne?!

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C++ - decades of legacy cruft buildup + modern tooling and package management

Its literally just extremely opinionated C++ where the compiler is stricter than a divorced english teacher in the 50s.
It also has an entire package manager and build system built into it and compiles really fuckin slow.

This. And in the same chapter he pulls off the "let's pretend the function is already there" thing.

Packt has a few good authors, Jay La Croix being one of them.

So its not really an answer, just a different species of shit.

- decades of libraries and solved problems

>At one he starts talking about tokenization and parse trees
I actually really enjoyed that chapter. It gives you an appreciation for what the compiler does. But that fucking GUI chapter! It took me forever to get that piece of shit FLTK library working.

Gay book but I've grinded my way through it might as well finish. Currently starting chapter 20, just need to finish hunt the wumpus gui implementation first.
Many people complain about the FLTK chapters but I found those to be a breeze. It's just that support for the book really isn't there (his website is absoulte dogshit and he even lost some important material when he migrated the site or something) so you kinda have to troubleshoot your way out of that mess. He also provides absolute buggy code, doesn't explain how you to debug code (which is essential for doing anything past chapter 5) and use shitty visual studio for hi
If you are a beginner in the true sense of the word you won't be having a good time. He does say at the beginning that the book is to be used by a tutor/teacher and some stuff you'll definitely have to Google so I guess at least he is clear on that regard.
It also annoyed be that he introduces concepts in code and only ends up explaining them 2 chapters down the line. Sometimes not even acknowledging them.
Hopefully it's not a waste of time to be doing all his shitty exercises. I'm using it as a solid foundation to start programming more seriously

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>you kinda have to troubleshoot your way out of that mess
>He also provides absolute buggy code
>doesn't explain how you to debug code
>If you are a beginner in the true sense of the word you won't be having a good time
that's how C++ is. it is not supposed to be your first language, and I really doubt that you can learn it just reading a book. just be glad that you choose the best possible C++ book

>I'm using it as a solid foundation to start programming more seriously
are you mentally retarded?

You'll never get a job

I was about to read this epub. Is it really that bad/annoying?

it's very veeeeery noob-oriented

So it covers the basics and then some?

I can count on one hand how many jobs are available in my major city for rust. C++ on the other hand has literally 30-40 positions listed daily.