If python is so bad at run time, why do so many people insist on using it?

If python is so bad at run time, why do so many people insist on using it?
I constantly have to interact with python scripts and sometimes even 'robust' python programs and from casual conversation with the devs there seems to be no redeemable quality to python itself other than "thats what i learned lol"
They dont bother defending its use. What is even the point then?

Attached: Python-Example-Logo-e1555498232969.jpg (450x220, 20.99K)

>If python is so bad at run time
says who? no one has ever given any unbeatable criticisms about it
>tab syntax
\ and ; exist
you will not write a webscraper in C

why do we use the latin alphabet

It's fast to deploy a running prototype in python, you're not wasting time recompiling source, tons of 3rd party libraries

Because you are on an anime website that is larping as geniuses.
There is no good discussion, here.

>If python is so bad at run time, why do so many people insist on using it?
It isn't, it's just fine for simple programs on anything approaching modern hardware. It's "bad" if you want to write a large, performance-critical program with it.


stop listening to rustrannies

It's a fantastic glue program, great for replacing a bash script once it starts requiring complex logic.

people are idiots
I mean, just look at the election results of any country ever

>If python is so bad at run time, why do so many people insist on using it?
Moore is still slightly faster than Worth.

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>you will not write a webscraper in C
I did, multiple times. It was alright.

It's the go-to contractorfaggot piece of shit, perpetuated by bootcamps who want to make the most amount of money quick. Instead of investing time to teaching people real langs, which takes more time and has a higher chance of them giving up and them wasting all the time to teach them, they just get mass amounts of idiots to learn just enough of something where they can fit into anywhere. That language is python and it's better to get 10 people on 30K a year jobs for the bootcamp instead of 1 person at a 100K a year job who might give up before the training is over. With Python and flask you can make quick little shitty POC APIs to close tickets, which is great up until 2 months later when you actually need to integrate something, and the company doesn't have a python package like they do for all the real langs. Most of the time the company figures it out and just lets you go, so your average bootcamp/contractor shitter just job hops every 2 months. They are fucking useless.

I write complex enterprise web server using Python. No issues so far. People is just bad at programming.

Its like R for statistics: It has a library for everything.
At some point people just
import ____workIDo
and get paid.
Then there's the soimen who insist in using it for everything from embedded development to math work

>What is even the point then?
There are some very good libraries for it that are either not there at all or in more primitive form for other languages. The language itself is meh and slow, but moving to other libraries is a mega-pain, and redeveloping the missing stuff yourself is not much fun for most.

SpaceX uses Python code I wrote for the guidance system on all of their rockets. It's not just for Minecraft plug-ins anymore.

>for guidance
Surely that's forward looking, and not real time control response.

>i use python to write real time blood flow regulators running in synthetic hearts
i just dont believe it

CNile fag here. If you really don't give a fuck about performance and all you want to do is some IPC over sockets, python maybe the easiest way to go.

Working with sockets on c++ is a cluster fuck of which OS wants to anal you tonight. Cross platform is a fucking mess and Boost isn't a native C++ library.

In JavaScript (Nodejs) Sockets are a cluster fuck of asynchronous bullshit