Want to switch jobs to a software developer from a truck driver...

Want to switch jobs to a software developer from a truck driver. I’m 31 years old but I know I can do this if I put my mind to it.

I have a wife and 2 kids

What is the best path to take to get a job quickly?

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Fuck off we’re full

You're retarded bro. If you're in your 30s and have demonstrate no interest in software development, why would you think this is a good idea? Plus you have a family.

just get any job you can
lie and say you know all the stuff already

I'd rather do construction.

>software developer
also do webdev
they're never out of shitters
if that 50 year old retarded wop english teacher can get a job after crying on twitter so can you

It looks like a comfy job mate

I’m sick of driving and the pay isn’t great

Don't. This industry sucks. Also, fuck off, we're full.

Watch cppcon video's whilst driving

>buy programming socks
>get a programming buddy
>learn rust and javascript
>build your github profile
>wait for a job offer

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There really isn’t a quick way besides maybe a company that hires from specific bootcamps. I thought truck drivers are making good money.

Mate do you know how many people have told me to learn to code?

Everyone says it’s an amazing job

The fact that you have a wife makes you unqualified.

In order to become a software developer, you need to first divorce your wife. Secondly, you need to buy a few pairs of programming socks. Thirdly, everything you have has to have some connection to anime. And lasty, develop a hatred towards Indians because theyre taking all our jobs.

How intelligent do you think you are? If you don't have an IQ of 120 or higher you are going to get rocked.

Are you British? Britcucks get paid absolute shit tier salaries. You unironically probably make more as a truck driver.

It's great and definitely not full. Go on any jobsite now and you'll see how many positions there are. If you have specialist knowledge as a driver even better use your old skills as an advantage. How many programmers have truck driving experience? I bet less than 1%

>In order to become a software developer, you need to first divorce your wife.
Actually, if he purses a dev career that will sort itself out, especially if he falls for the startup meme

Doing anything beyond being a base level web shitter is going to require getting a degree. You can still teach yourself quite a bit though. Pick a language and start working with it. Python is good place to start. Read the basic intro stuff to get you started and then start writing programs.

I know a guy who started at the age of 32, we were in the same class. He had 10 year experience in circus. He now program server related stuff. The "look comfy" is not a good reason. Have intrinsic purpose or you're not gonna make it. It's not a sit on your chair and do nothing. It's selling your interest and brain to a product 40h/week. Do it in your spare time for 3-4 month then aftward consider getting in form of training.

29yo gas delivery driver here and I want the same. It was either that or mechanical engineering, but the jobs for ME are way less where I live.

Start with python, I'm following this video: youtu.be/rfscVS0vtbw
Then search what you'd like to do specifically. You can go on a job searching website and see what languages do employers ask for and what you'll be doing. Then start learning those languages.
The reason you start with python is not only because it's the easiest to learn, but also because it's widely used. Apparently once you learn it you can learn other languages way faster due to most of them sharing the basic concepts.

>once you learn it you can learn other languages way faster due to most of them sharing the basic concepts.
all C based language shared that. But people learning C++ first have easier with everything else by a 10 fold magnitude due to manual management of memory.


Maybe, but from what multiple people say, C++ takes way longer to learn. Might as well start with python to get the basics down fast, then javascript due to it being the most used language, then C++. That's only my opinion though.

I came here to ask this exact same question
I'm 29, also a truck driver but no wife and kids
I have the added "benefit" of living in a third world shithole so if I manage to get a remote job for a decent country and get as little as $1000 USD a month I'll be on the top 10% earners in my country lel

>The "look comfy" is not a good reason. Have intrinsic purpose or you're not gonna make it.
This. It's not "fun" after the first couple of months, then it gets mind-numbingly boring and tedious. Tack on more misery from corporate bullshit and scrum bullshit and then you're going to regret ever considering tech.

This. Are your wife and kids okay with you being gay?

It would take at least a year if you’re totally beginner

that's every job
honestly though, UX design looks like a fun job. just has far less openings and lower pay

Just make a trucking business. What my dad did.
> be me
> anons dad
> immigrant to land of free
> cousins are truck drivers
> I'm educated
> teach for 20 years
> Nigger faggot students suck balls
> retire
> bored
> make a trucking business
> use cousins for cheap labour
> make a killing
I don't know much but you should be able to network your way up

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That's most jobs. At least as a programmer you can get up and go for a walk. If you work in labour or driving something you're back and joints will be fucked after 5 years, even if you're careful.

Yes I am british, from east midlands actually

i am a 35 year old ex-heroin addict and amazon warehouse slave, i took a coding bootcamp for 3 months and after walked into a job at google 200k starting, tech is so easy.

>East midlands
pay is going to be shit whatever the industry

If you’re still managing your own memory, you’re writing c++ wrong

I'm looking at software jobs in my area and it's £55k+

I'm currently earning £24k

OP, I'm teaching myself to code in my spare time. People really hate to see that on this board but if you enjoy it, who cares what strangers on the internet say.

You can get a job, it's not impossible. It's not "full." these are just typical replies to people asking this question.

Look into web development. If you want a self-guided curriculum, check out The Odin Project. You'll need a strong portfolio, pref. a degree (anything at least), and a lot of time / effort to teach yourself.

try out TOP. if you find web dev to be enjoyable, keep at it.

You're not going to making close to that.

Entry level for a britcuck is like 30-35k. And you're competing with university graduates who are 10 years younger than you.

Being a software developer anywhere other than the US is retarded. Do literally anything else you stupid faggot.