I hate elementary OS but this App is pretty cool

I hate elementary OS but this App is pretty cool.
Have anyone tried running it outside of eOS? Is it even possible?

Attached: file.png (516x564, 61.4K)

it's linux, of course it is. distros are all running the same kernel. the only difference is what they have preinstalled. anything on one distro can be installed on another. even big things like snap, flatpak, pipewire, etc.

Well I suspect the dev of this app doesn't want you to do that and made building it hard on purpose.

>made building it hard on purpose.
hard how? its just 4 commands according to the page you linked

It didn't work when I gave it a try and some people were complaining about having the same issues and the dev simply ignored them
It's like he want you to get this app from the eOS story because it's were you can pay for it

>puts shitty blurry background behind the image
retard alert

Try it yourself, YOU WON'T DO BETTER THAN ME

nice conspiracy but no, its not that
considering your OP question im going to assume that its due to your own incompetence

I did everything right and it still didn't work so it's not my fault.

Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to make your own by putting a couple ImageMagick commands in a shell script. You really just need to calculate the image's width when scaled to a height of 1080 (or whatever target height) preserving aspect ratio, and it's height when scaled to a width of 1920, and take the larger of the 2 scalings. (i.e. implement "touch from outside"/"fill screen" scaling.) Then crop the result to the target size, centered in the middle.

Please do it user, I'll suck your cock if you can do it with ImageMagick.

It's trivial but I am lazy and stoned right now. If the thread's still up I might take a stab at it in about a half hour, before I go to sleep.

elementary OS is the distro for normies

Yes but their app store is amazing

werks on my machine
only because some dude uploaded it to the AUR, if you want to fix it, you have to figure out whatevers wrong with Window.vala

Attached: Feb02:060832.png (1270x779, 467.19K)

>but this App is pretty cool.

Attached: 1616697457155.png (1920x1080, 610.74K)

I can do this in GIMP too but having a script that does it for you automatically is way cooler

Stoned user here again. I wrote code to do the calculations for "fill screen" scaling, but then I saw that ImageMagick has that as a builtin function since version 6.something, so I threw out that code. Literally everything is done by the very last line and that's really all you need. The other shit just makes it into a semi-convenient script you can make an icon for and drag a picture onto and it'll ask for the size you want. If you want a default size other than 1080p, edit the numbers.

[[ ! -r "$1" ]] && echo "Must give a file" && exit 1
echo -n "Target width [1920]? "
read -e TW
[[ -z "$TW" ]] && echo && TW=1920
echo -n "Target height [1080]? "
read -e TH
[[ -z "$TH" ]] && echo && TH=1080
magick convert "$1" -resize "${TW}x${TH}^" -gravity center -extent "${TW}x${TH}" "wallpaperized_$1"

>I can do this in GIMP too but having a script that does it for you automatically is way cooler
You can create a script in GIMP, tard. FMD.

If he posted that he'd like a script instead of posting that he made one, do you really think he's going to be able to make a GIMP script?

Why are you using so much memory?

He's running Plasma.