Best IDE for Python?

I want to learn programming and will start with Python. I successfully made a few functions, but it's clear IDLE is clunky and a proper IDE is necessary. I'm torn between PyCharm and Eclipse. I don't like the fact PyCharm has a paid version, but Eclipse seemed to have a reputation of being hard to use and it was originally made for Java, but is probably as powerful as PyCharm's paid version. Can anyone experienced give me any directions? Thanks in advance.

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Unironically, use vscode.

An IDE gets in your way a lot and it's good to learn command line shit.

Otherwise, pycharm.

start with atom and force yourself to learn the real syntax

and then vs code or pycharm, doesnt matter

>muh proper IDE
I hate zoomers so much. This doesn't matter at all. My first programs were written using notepad.exe. Now Vim is usually all I need. Focus on solving the problem, not ricing your editor/desktop/etc. Faggot. NGMI.

use VScode you can set it up to work like Pycharm

Vscode. Install jupyter extension to use notebooks in it

I would've guessed Any Forums wouldn't endorse a Microsoft product but I was mistaken, the verdict is VS Code then, thanks Any Forums.

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Vscode or pycharm (community)

Start with HTML (this is a joke)

Visual Studio

Emacs, thank me later


PyCharm or VSCode
Or a fucking notepad because the IDE really doesn't matter when you're learning

literally any text editor, the syntax is already pretty simple
just have the python repl running in another window for quick running/testing

Switched from Vscode to Pycharm (you can get it for free, If you're studying. Just sign up with uni mail).

I like both, however, Pycharm just feels more completed. But I would say it is subjective and just choose one you're most comfortable with.

Both are great and have a lot of extensions too.


PyCharm is great. The community edition doesn't feel like demoware either, and it's even open source.
I wasn't impressed by VS Code's Python support but it's decent software that I use for some other languages.
You don't strictly need an IDE, a text editor can get the job done. I do a lot of work in Emacs. IDEs are nice though.
The REPL is great, depending on the project. Do learn how to work with it.

Actually IDLE is perfect for learning python. It even comes with a REPL where you can test expressions and everything to make sure they work.
What issue are you trying to solve by switching from it?

cat >

this so much this

spyder for visualising results fast, for instance if you need to look at arrays and matrices interactively, or producing figures.

don't learn programming with python as your first language. use something with types like C or Java or whatever, you'll understand what is integer etc..