Nuclear Power Plants are Technology

What is stopping us from embracing Nuclear Energy?

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retarded eco terrorists


your mom (she absorbs all of the neutrons)

NIMBY's. I live 10 miles north of one, but I think it is being decommissioned. What a darn shame.

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Cost. Building reactors and nuclear plants is obscenely expensive and every attempt to build a new one ends up a decade late and bankrupts anyone who glances in its direction.

You’re going to have somewhere less retarded than Any Forums. This is a Linux and PC Gaming board.

Neoliberals and their consequences are a disaster for the human race.

It cost way too much money to invest and start one up. Also fear of nuclear.

Geothermal, solar and hydro sound less dangerous to your standard normie.

Easier to just import coal power from a nearby country and place some solar panels and wind turbines to make the numbers look good (because that's all that matters today).

The waste. There is radioactive shit from the late 50s still in "temporary" storage.

how much space does it take again?

Three Mile Island.
Fukushima Daiichi.
Not wanting your children to die from radiation-induced cancer.

Did you have a real question?

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ecotards not understanding this is the net cleanest energy source and building cost
the second will be solved with thorium reactors, the first by killing them all

>Not wanting your children to die from radiation-induced cancer.
Just wait till you find out about coal power plants.

At least here in Chile, earthquakes.

picture text >>>/leftypol/
you >>>/incel/

Good thing the coal in our lungs is not temporary but permanent

zero people died from any of these incidents

It's funny how it's easier to flood a valley to make a hydro dam destroying anything that was there before than to build a nuclear power plant.