Anyone work in IT and feel like they know nothing at all?

Swear to god I get the worst imposter syndrome somedays

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IT is a big field but generally it's more of a "learn on the job" type of thing then something you study for. Knowing how to subnet can only get you so far.

Imposter syndrome is fake.
If you have coworkers they know you are incompetent and are being polite if they don't let you know.

oh no
id rather kms
I figured as much. it just seems like there is a ocean of information both dated and new

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>Swear to god I get the worst imposter syndrome somedays
The fresh new meme that makes brainlets fool themselves into thinking that they're much smarter than they actually are.
You're most likely just fucking dumb, try to fix that.

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I was born this way user

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There's an ocean of information but your job probably utilizes less than 1%. Like I said it's a very broad field. Tarun at the help desk doesn't need to understand advanced cybersecurity protocols.

>I am like this and I will stay like this

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Our CIO called me intelligent today :)

Why imag so sad
im just a sussy sussy

Maybe because it's true. Have you ever thought that you might actually not nothing at all.

I had a fucking stroke reading this.
Thanks retard

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kek I screwed up hard

It's not a syndrome if you know you're incompetent. I am just very, very good at convincing hiring managers that I know what I'm doing. Aside from that, I don't have a clue. I'm a senior developer, but I'm 100% Google, copy, paste.

The real prerequisites are:
1. not being a fag
2. knowing how to use google

If you have one of these you have a job in IT

If you didn't minor or double major in math in the pursuit of your CS degree, then yes, you are an impostor and only know how to glue together someone else's libraries.


>honey is stored in the bee