Calculus hate thread

calculus hate thread

Attached: calculus.png (635x382, 159.35K)

If you actually hate calculus and yet you have a job or career that requires it, then you are an idiot who makes stupid decisions.

If you're a student then fuck off and sign up for gender studies.

fuck off faggot, try and learn it first before you hate it

Stay in school kids

There are not many things in this world that are as cool or useful as partial derivatives. Rethink your life decisions.

Looks like someone's two weeks into calc 2.

I taught myself calculus as a sophmore in high school and I have double-digit IQ. How are you this fucking stupid?

Attached: gtards.png (1110x600, 53.18K)

My calculus teacher was one tough mo'fo. His job was not to teach calculus, his job was to separate the students who were going to do well in stem and the fucking rest, a good part of that class dropped the class and changed majors. Calc I changed my whole academic career, and I am grateful for that fucking teacher.

bro, i can do high school calculus too
dont act smug, bet you dont even know what vector calculus is

Deep learning is built on calculus. You know what back propagation really is? The fucking chain rule. That's all it fucking is.

unironically not joking, i taught myself basic calculus in 9th grade since I wanted to read the feynman lectures on physics
OP is a brainlet

Calculus is fine. You should hate probabilities and statistics, the true field of the bugman. Calculus is based.

I'm not acting smug. Hating calc is normal. Every September we get shitloads of first years shitting on calc and asking what it's fucking good for. Complaining about calc just seems to be part of the process of getting a STEM degree.

LMAO how the fuck do you struggle with vector calculus? Loads of people struggle with calc 2 but calc 3 is a cakewalk. You must have room temperature IQ holy shit.

it seems someone was filtered by maths lol

University is literally a scam, do not waste your time, just kill yourself before you get to this point.

Well? (You) CAN do this, right?

>I can do highschool calculus too
>I just struggle with ${highschool calculus}

found the web developer

I certainly hope you aren't asking me to do it for you user, it's unironically easier than fizzbuzz.

/bgt/ - brainlet general thread

I thought there must have been some formula for finding the roots of an n-degree polynomial, but then I realized they just expect me to brute force it