Is CSS garbage or just me?

Is CSS garbage or just me?
how do I make something that feels like a real app? I mean smooth animations, bottom sheet, gestures

I am tired of boring websites
but... it's hard to make good things ;_;

I think the issue is - I don't understand enough. How do I learn everything from the ground up?

Recently I encountered this problem (solved with same article btw)

and I think... I hate css so much. I can't do easy things and I can't make pretty things or things that are nice to use or are pretty and nice and good to look at. I think... maybe I am issue. I am defective. How do I learn everything from ground up so I can make good feeling website that feels like iOS app?

>inb4 Filtered by CSS
the solution to get equal columns is to use flex-basis: 0%
no, not 0px. It has to be 0%

around every turn there is a another css magic trick that needs to be learned... For example before aspect-ratio (which is at 80% caniuse) you had to use the padding-bottom trick around a div that is relative, then make your content absolute and full it in.

Nothing ever just works
and as the years continue it'll just get worse. I bet there are a billion css grid quirks now...

I want a website that feels like instagram app or snapchat. Smooth, good gestures. I want things like bottom sheet and pinch to zoom

Attached: 1626339022464.gif (689x602, 593.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

CSS is awful and I can’t believe people are still dealing with it, including me

But there doesn’t seem to be a better alternative. The only option I see is to make CSS 2. Sadly there is no way around css’s bullshit tricks and hacks, so you just have to keep fiddling with it until it eventually decides to start working.

Do you use something like brackets?

>Do you use something like brackets?
should I? I am using neovim with extensions like prettier. I am also using tailwind css and react and they both cover browser prefixes and css reset

it’s up to you. Brackets has a live preview option that lets you see css changes instantly which is nice and helps speed up things. If you’re good and comfortable with your editor then maybe don’t switch. I sometimes just use dev tools to edit css

CSS is annoying as hell and it's one of the reasons I focused on backend. I legit admire frontend devs for dealing with this fuckery.

Currently learning webdev and i am terrified of css so much, been building apis with .net and node doing hard thing but all of my apps look like shitty 2001 html pages, thought about learning a css framework to cope, hopefully i will work as backend

I am frustrated

stop learning CSS - learn tailwind 3. i regretted wasting so much time struggling with CSS after discovering it. same effects with 10x less code and 50x less headaches. if you really want to learn pure CSS for some reason, there's a really good course that teaches you CSS + SASS (backwards compatible with CSS + variables, imports, functions)

whatever you want to learn: look for a solid udemy course and then plug the title into yandex along with "torrent". make yourself a fat pot of coffee and grind for 8 hours. clicking around youtube and reading half an MDN page at a time won't get you anywhere



It's absolute garbage designed for graphic designers and not programmers.

>tfw drawing and moving shapes on a screen is impossible on the web

this is torture. Why is it easier to make a powerpoint, a film, or 3d than to make a website?

>The only option I see is to make CSS 2
jokes on the web, we already have CSS3

Here's a hint: Maybe the web wasn't meant to support fucking desktop applications you absolute fucking moron go learn an actual desktop development language if you want to make software or one of the three mobile ones if you want to make "apps" you absolute fucking nigger go die in a fire fuck you

Can anyone explain why there isn’t some effective tool that just lets you arrange stuff and choose color, text for it to auto-generate the css? Every time I use it it feels like I’m just using the least intuitive GD program. You know from the start how you want something to look, why does it need to be this tedius when it does not even alter functionality?

CSS, just like HTML, suffers from feature creep combined with drifting design goals
They both need to be homogenized with all the unnecessery shit thrown the fuck out(tags like
, pseudoclasses for hover interactivity and so on)

keep at it :]


CSS is fun simple and I love using it.

It is also Turing complete.


should I port my personal website from bootstrap 4 to tailwind 3?

web a shit

>waaaah, why do I have to use flex basis 0% to make colums equal width?
You don't. You have no fucking clue what flex does and how it calculates values. That's not to say that CSS isn't a pain in the ass to write.