can't put { on the next line

> can't put { on the next line

Fucking why?

Imagine being more anal about whitespace than python.

Attached: go.png (1576x890, 59.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>i like to waste space
Dilate bloatranny

>imagine being filtered by a linter
Just do what the linter says faggot. If you are so triggered by it just don't run it.

the fuck are you talking about? it literally won't compile, linter or not

>Fucking why?
because it wastes and entire line for a { and you're obviously trying to inflate LoC
stop goldbricking and get back to work Tyler

>> can't put { on the next line

nobody counts insignificant lines, retard

ITT: autistic retards who can't fathom that some people just prefer the Allman style

the only people who prefer allman are literal pajeets, i've never encountered a non pajeet who prefers allman

Like spastics they are, yeah

>can't put { on the next line
this has to be bait. i knew go was retarded, but i didn't expect this much braindeath.

Attached: 1500149998384.png (838x855, 567.72K)

It is what it is. Deal with it man.
t. Someone who agrees with you

>enforcing uniform style across the language is braindead and bait
this is your brain on Any Forums

i think people should be able to format their code however they want

>umm yes, i have no assertiveness and like to be ordered around by my compiler
this is your brain on HRT

Attached: 1641983266544.gif (288x240, 769.1K)

>mind goes to trannies immediately she loses an argument


main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
return 0;

Attached: 1607201747854.png (693x598, 302.23K)

just write all your code on 1 huge ass line

imagine caring this much about fucking bracket
just become HTML programmers and care about formatting all day long then

lol the stuff about the network and the world providing a computing environment is actually entirely because he misses the way things used to be in the old days. it's a really interesting article that raises compelling questions. you're just too much of a retarded zoomer to understand that there is no discontinuity between any of the things in this picture, except for the macs. and he specifically said the stuff about the network etc because he hates his mac and misses plan 9 / old unix. the gist of his argument is that there used to be public phones everywhere, built into the infrastructure of society, but over the last couple decades that infrastructure has vanished and now everyone has to own their own phone and bring it with them everywhere they go. similarly, it used to be (if you were somewhere where you could use computers regularly, like at a big business or a research lab or a university etc etc etc) that there was a terminal everywhere you went, and all it did was connect back to the big computer in the basement of the lab or university or whatever. you could work on something in your office and then go to another room in the building and have access to the same state, then go home and dial in and have access to that same state. but as time has gone on this has changed such that now everyone needs to have a laptop with them (unless they're a neet) to bring everywhere, and they don't use it for the computer itself, but just for the contents of the hard drive. you're lugging around a brick of state with a computer attached. if you want your state to be available to you on different machines tou have to use complicated and flawed syncing solutions. even if you use these syncing solutions the tools to use them wont be available on any arbitrary machine you use without installing their driver software and so on because this infrastructure doesn't exist and isn't standardized. this is what he misses. it's not google shit, it's boomer bell labs shit.