Arch Desktop Environments

To the Arch users of Any Forums, what DE do you use or do you just use a WM such as i3 or BPSWM? Why did you pick what you did? What do you like/dislike about it and why do you find it superior to the alternatives?

I'm planning to try pure Arch for the first time on my T400 (currently using Manjaro KDE) and would appreciate the input.

Attached: archlogo.png (840x859, 139.2K)

I do not use arch.

Kde plasma

Literally this. WMs are for reddit fags

Every other desktop and wm is literally a meme. If you want to meme on Reddit go ahead but if you want to get work done, you use plasma.

I use bspwm, I like the modularity and scriptability of it. using some of the xfce tools though, you dont have to handicap yourself with full cli autism

Attached: 1614909568033.png (2560x1080, 341.24K)

This, and for the same reasons.

I use KDE
I don't even like arch. Just think it's the better alternative compared to what's out there. The Aur is especially unsafe unless you know what you are doing and I'm guessing most people don't

No you like to show off online and get no real work done. You probably live with your parents or alone in some pig sty apartment. You have no friends and nobody likes you so you spend all your time tinkering with the underlying os for no good reason other than to post screenshots online. You're pathetic.
This so much. I do but I don't randomly install things I don't use. I set everything up, update once every few days, and log in as a limited user to work and do 99.9% of my computer related tasks.

What's with the bspwm meme of "the WM shouldn't handle key presses"? I don't see why not.

dwm btw
I chose it because I wanted to add things to my system, not decipher and remove opaque junk.

I bet you also removed your penis. You'll never be a woman. Face it, nobody likes you irl.

seethe and project harder user
bspwm is split between the wm and a client you can script fully, so if you dont like his hotkey daemon you can use another one, sxhkd is pretty good though

suckless is anti tranny, false flagger

What kind of scripting can you do with this client?

anything really, all the configuration of the wm is done through it
Select a desktop.

DESKTOP_SEL := [DESKTOP_SEL#](CYCLE_DIR|any|last|newest|older|newer|

kde sucks with two screens so I had to switch back to i3

I3. I don't like managing windows by mouse and it is the only tiling WM I know that has tabbed containers out of the box.

Thanks, but I'd rather just work with C.

On Wayland it works beautifully but on xorg with kde plasma, yes multi monitor support is broken. They have no plans to fix it either.

The thing I like about Wayland is it's incredibly stable once you figure out what you need to install and configure for it. It's not a drop in replacement just yet. If you're not a retard, it's actually amazing.

i just use i3, and i love it. just install it and have fun with the config file and see what works for you, it's very easy to use/configure