How long would it take to learn C++ for coding video games in unreal engine 4/5? 6 months? 2 years?

How long would it take to learn C++ for coding video games in unreal engine 4/5? 6 months? 2 years?

Keep in mind the limited scope use case

Attached: cplus.png (212x238, 3.74K)

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Depends on if you know other programming languages.
>limited use case
You will still need to know a lot about programming to get into that, just not other specifics like server-side or something.
Also get to coding your actual project asap, you will learn a lot on the way.

I have functionally zero experience

you could probably piece something together by copy pasting shit you found online in like a month.

I would recommend learning to program in a separate context though. after about 3 months you'd probably be as good as university grad

use this book, just start reading the free sample and let us know how far you get

1. make hello world
2. make basic calculator that can input "(5+2)*3"
3. make text-adventure game engine where all the game data is in.txt files. Not just character dialog, but how rooms are connected, how items can be used, etc
4. find a way to draw a 2d line on screen
5. make 3d asteroids, wireframe graphics. Projection matrices aren't that hard.
after doing all this, you will then be able to actually make a 3d game.

thanks I'll take a look

I used Ivor Horton's C++ book to learn C++ back in like 2003, so I know it's probably pretty good.

Programming games is not a limited use-case. It's probably one of those things that requires the biggest field of programming knowledge. Graphics programming, networking, ai/pathfinding and other algorithms, resource optimization, avoiding code base cluttering with good design patterns as project scale is always huge, etc.
Also why would you want to use unreal engine? It is good for enterprise use. You're better off using something much more simple like Godot for indie development. From a learning-to-code point of view a minimalistic/self-made engine is definitely the best, like sdl2.
>but unreal looks good and cool games are made with it
Made by teams with multiple people and millions of dollars of funding. You should learn unreal if you want a job in the industry. Don't do it for your own projects because you will waste so much fucking time.
>How long
Why even ask this? A long time.

>>How long
>Why even ask this? A long time.

just to adjust my own expectations

why unreal? just curious

I have a boner for nanite

uhh I think you can use unity to manage the game assets and stuff and write the game logic in C# with it

what has that got to do with a vector engine based smart LOD

Just use C# and Unity.

Unreal was written by people who are expert at C++. You won't understand jack shit from source of Unreal without 7-10 years of C++ experience.
You won't understand why a UObject is made the way it is without having proper, deep understanding of Sepples.

Just take a look at this:

Can you explain any question about it with the source code in hand?

For game programming, if you are serious, you pretty much need a degree so you can understand (read) basic math and consequentially you can read game related papers. Plus 5-10 years of experience.
So, again, just learn C# and use Unity. For the harder problems you will most likely find premade solutions in the asset store.

I assumed you could use the Unity toolkit to do that stuff.

that doesn't look so bad, but you're right it might take OP a long damn time if he is doing in a self-directed fashion instead of learning for a job from other people in person.

>vector engine based
what does that even mean and what does it have to do with nanite
lol no, it's not just model LoDs, it's a proper micropolygon tessellator like what you'd use with REYES; everything is dynamically split to a level where each triangle is about pixel sized, not more and not less. it's also not enough to generate the lods, you also need a custom renderer for it because hardware rasterization chokes hard with such small triangles


I meant voxel

Indie developers cannot make 3d games. Just give up and make a 2d game instead.
A well made, polished 2d game made by one guy is infinitely more successful than a shitty 3d game with low poly low resolution ugly garbage models and textures.

>unreal C++
spare yourself. If you really want to use unreal without experience just use spaghetti blueprints like artists and designers do. C++ in it barely has any documentation and you'll have a hard time finding shit. Use Godot or Unity. HDRP in Unity looks as good as UE4 but u still gotta be a good 3D artist yourself

2/3 books
do the exercises