
I'm deleting Manjaro

Here are my options:
-Arch (or) EndeavourOS
-Debian (or something Debian-based, but what's the point?)

What's best?

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Dragora Linux.

Debian just werks

Debian Testing if you want rolling release
Debian if you don't

What does this actually mean?

>filtered by manjaro
You shouldn't be allowed computers


Meme derivative
Never used base Debian, guess it's alright

Debian or Arch Linux. I've used both a lot. I'm using Debian right now and I don't mind using older versions. You can use appimage, flatpak, snap(just don't), or compile from source if you need newer version of something.

Try using both and see which one you like more.

>Installing another package manager when you need an up to date version of something
Just install arch user

why would you want to bend debian into something it's not intended to be instead of just installing arch?

so what are the pros and cons of Debian and Arch?

When generally looking around at any software packages on the internet, the "Linux" version is almost always a Debian package. On Arch would I just have to always rely on the Autistic User Repository?

Installing some random untrusted .deb from the internet is the same thing as Installing an wrapper script for that .deb from the AUR

Windows 10 LTSC IoT 2021

MSI Winki

ok :)

Windows 10 LTSC

Attached: Screenshot (11).png (525x176, 38.1K)


You can't leave arch for a month and not break it. This is a fact. AUR's recipes are updated by users - so they can download pretty old releases sometimes. Being officially bleeding edge sometimes fucks up official packages too. It's also bloat, packages have ridiclious non-mandatory dependencies just because.
Try it out, it can be a solid choice.

Fuckin archlets who’ve never used Arch

Arch has broken for me once since I installed it in 2016. Oh and what broke? The ui became a but wonky. Guess what, 5 mins of reading and it worked again.

>thinking their opinion matters at all

Ubuntu it the answer to your question, and you know it.