Literally impossible to buy at msrp

Literally impossible to buy at msrp

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No problem buying OrangePis at MSRP.

what do you mean
i have bought pi shit since the beginning for never more than msrp
i remember when those pi zeros were €5

It's true, no more stock predicted until next year.

I went out to get hold of a rpi cm4, just to at least have 'one' I had to have it shipped from US

Since it was originally from EU (German company on the box) I think I'll at least get a refund on the import tax. Still thing cost me 95€ with shipping for a CM400800

If you think you'll need one in next year, and can find one now > buy!!

maybe i should sell my Pi 4 on ebay then. I bought it for a NAS but I found it to be slow and unreliable so it's just sitting in a drawer.

>It's true, no more stock predicted until next year.
It's the trade war. China shut down production to punish the west for the tariffs. Trade wars always become hot wars. They're starving the west of hardware to prevent them from using it for their military applications. We're paying the price for all the outsourcing and slave labor we've been taking advantage of since the 90s.

The era of cheap hardware is probably over forever.

Shit. I'm glad I got mine earlier this year.

so buy another sbc

>buying anything new
Whatever the last model is i guarantee it is absolutely enough for being stored on your shelf indefinitely

i have no problem getting them here
maybe i am just better than you

>buy new
>buy used for 90% of msrp

Even old ass models are sold at the same price as new ones so there's no real benefit in buying used or old. I just need a sbc with eth so that I can ditch my pi0 forever

Heh heh, wow, I see it's listed for $160 on Amazon. I bought mine for like $55 a few years ago. I would never pay $160 for one of these things

>Pi 4
>I bought it for a NAS
ngmi, definitely sell and don't bother selfhosting if you are this retarded

I could buy a decent SBC for $50 (including power plug, memory card, and plastic cover) back in the time. Now, these all cost $120 minimum.

And they say there is a %5 inflation

>Literally impossible to buy at msrp
Isn't it only $100 even when inflated
what's the big deal

Mine some components for me too pls

>>>buy used for 90% of msrp
The used market these days is so fucked and trash

Because nobody wants those

There almost isn't a single thing worth buying used anymore, unless it's slightly ancient enterprise gear.
Everything else there just isn't a deal to be had. Yeah it's slightly discounted at 95-90% of street pricing but that's no incentive.
Let me not even get started on the retards pricing their used shit above what it goes for.
Perhaps the most egregious example I've seen is when I stumbled upon an FSP power supply, one of the 2000W ones. Retarded ebay user wanted $1000 for it, meanwhile it's on Newegg for $499 all day

Mine works fine as a "NAS", I literally just rsync a giant tar.xz to it once a week.

any corsair psu is like that too
>used for only 3 years, it was $150 new, $120 and its yours

I'm literally posting from a Pi zero because I can't find any Pi 4 in stock.

Anons pls halp. How do I optimize this thing for shitposting? I'm currently running default chromium because I've read that's the best option but I'm really not so sure about that.

i can't wait to be able to get the 8gb pi 4.... i wish i didn't get the 4gb