/wdg/ - Web Development General

Little Tech Giant Edition

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to Noa!
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good starting point to learn about web dev fundamentals
javascript.info/ - quite a good JS tutorial according to Noa
freecodecamp.org - curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
theodinproject.com - curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, Ruby on Rails, and SQL
fullstackopen.com/en/ - requires you to have basic web dev, db and git knowledge
flexboxfroggy.com/ and cssgridgarden.com/ - learn flex/grid in CSS
phptherightway.com/ - A decent PHP resource according to some anons
phptutorial.net - Noa's Personal Home Page

>List of design resources

>All useful documentation in one place

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

We have own website: wdg.one
Submit your project progress updates using the following format in your posts (the scraper will pick it up):
:: my-project-title ::
dev:: user
tools:: node, react, etc
link:: my.website.com
repo:: github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum Noa-chan kawaii! consetetur sadipscing elitr

Previously on /wdg/...

Attached: noanee.png (1254x1771, 903.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fonts.google.com/icons?selected=Material Icons

generating PDFs?
I did something like that in Python once, absolutely hated every moment of it

Just writing my own CV. Using Adobe Illustrator which is the tool that gives me the biggest ammount of design control over the page that I know of.

>cant figure problem out easily
>could sit down and work out the problem
>say fuck it and lazily move code around hoping to stumble on the solution
is this common or am i the only one doing this

I don't have a margin added in the body class in my css sheet. I read that browsers add 8px by default but when I try and make the .body class have margin of 0px in the css sheet but nothing happens, what am I doing wrong?

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 11.32.06 AM.png (2620x1172, 315.07K)

That's is 95% of programming these days.

Anyone ever dabbled with making PBBGs (persistent browser-based games)?

>A PBBG is a computer game that satisfies the following two criteria:
>1. It is browser based meaning that the game is played over the Internet using only a web browser.
>2. It is persistent meaning that progress in the game is achieved over multiple play sessions.

It's a niche part of the web and there's some games up at the pbbg.com directory listing.

Anyone familiar with the concept?

it's body not .body


I don't know, I think I didn't even read the rules and just went to make my own thing when I had to do that project.

Attached: shot.png (1905x2419, 594.33K)

You don't need to turn your CV into an art project, user.

Just want it to not look shit. And since I have a little bit of multimedia and art side might as well work that small extra mile.

kek nice

The thing is, you shouldn't even be doing your resume/CV in fancy formats anyway unless you're certain it will be looked at directly by a real person - i.e. you're applying in person. And even then you don't want to come across as a tryhard.

Most hiring companies use ATS software that will parse your file and keep the ones most relevant to the job listings - the other ones get tossed. Nobody wants to sit down and read through hundreds of resumes. You're better off making your resume as basic as possible (don't use graphics, images, lines, tables, etc). If you want to show off your creativity, include a link to your portfolio in the resume in the section where you list your name, email, phone number.


The thing is I'm looking for an internship, the competition is supposed to be minimal. The companies are in contact with the center and are willing to look for students to do internship for them.

thx for the link though


fuck thanks

sorry for being a shitter everyone

>the competition is supposed to be minimal
Ah okay, makes sense then. I assumed you were applying for jobs online on places linke Indeed, Monster etc. Good luck user.

The results of deleting one period kek

Welp this is a learning moment

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>Good luck user.
Thank you very much user.

I'll try and take the template I built and add some content of my own too lol, thanks for hte motivation user

Try Reset CSS if you haven't already. It's handy if you're not using a CSS framework.

will read about it thanks.

If I want to make major formatting changes to a page, would it be best practice to fork the repo and fuck with it that way in case I completely botch it all, and if I am happy with the results push it to the main?

Is there something similar to partial rendering from Rails on Django?

Should I learn Nodejs/Express or Java/Spring? Is one easier than the other? I noticed the former has better guides/tutorials. Is switching over to Spring hard if I learned Nodexpress first?

How do you go about making an API that receives a JSON? Like how do you test it? Just create a JSON in the API to "emulate" the ones you are gonna receive?

Attached: API.png (2222x342, 37.41K)

Or I guess my question could also be this:

If I've saved a file in my local repo but have not git added it/committed it but its marked as changed in git status, is there an easy way to revert the file back to the original that is located in the branch even though I've saved it locally

Accept a POST value with the body of the request, json_decode that, and do your lil business logic magic on it.

Then run something like Postman along the side, fill in the formdata there with the content you want to test, and point it to your API URL to test it.

Luv materialized views.
>Is one easier than the other?
Ehhhhhhhhhh Spring is largely easier but muh types. People often hate muh types and having to use stuff like Lombok.
>Is switching over to Spring hard if I learned Nodexpress first?
They're completely different, ye.
But most of everything looks a lot like one or the other.

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>Ehhhhhhhhhh Spring is largely easier
Oh really? I always had the image of it being a behemoth of a framework used by old giant companies while Node was the new "hip" thing and thus maybe more convenient/accessible.

> I always had the image of it being a behemoth of a framework used by old giant companies while Node was the new "hip" thing and thus maybe more convenient/accessible.
No, that's pretty much correct, but specifically Spring is a behemoth is that's absolutely chock full of general conveniences, has subprojects for everything and doesn't use god forsaken callbacks.

Attached: __chen_touhou_drawn_by_yukimaru_yukimolcar__8c9f73f680111ed479818623081292ea.jpg (768x768, 155.54K)

$data = json_decode($json);
if(!$data) return "We didn't receive json";
else return "We got json, do something";

for unit testing, yes you can write out dummy JSON and pass it to the endpoint function. but you should functionally debug with postman while you're figuring things out.

also you'll want to use
header('Content-Type: application/json');
return json_encode(array(
'status' => $code < 300,
'message' => $message

for a fully fleshed out API JSON response with a success/fail $code variable (i.e. 200 for OK), but returning a simple string is good enough for basic testing.

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>'status' => $code < 300,

What the fuck. Just rely on the HTTP headers.

Nice, thanks a lot anons

Simple question: is ASP.NET worth learning and if so what’s the best way to learn it?

Microsoft's documentation, Tim Corey, and Nick Chapsas have been good resources for me. It's worth it if you regularly use Windows a lot and don't want to spend the rest of your life being a JavaScript jockey.

It's fairly standard to have a status+message in a json response. Less logic on the other end if they just want to check the status value for a positive or negative response. The header has the code too, so what's the problem exactly?
there are a lot of big companies that have used .NET for many years and will never change, so it's safe to learn. And they've made really good improvements in the past few years by making .NET Core and now .NET 6 which opens the language up to hosting on cheap linux boxes instead of expensive MS shit. I can see .NET becoming more popular as more people discover its openness and how piss-easy it is to do things, almost as easy as PHP now.

I like the book
>C# 10 and .NET 6 – Modern Cross-Platform Development
for a full overview, otherwise yea Tim Corey and Nick Chapsas videos.

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Do I need to worry about sanitizing inputs against injection attacks or w/e if I'm using AWS AppSync & Amplify APIs to query my database? Or their API already handles this for me?

Why would using an open sourced cross platform framework require using windows?

Because a lot of products still use .NET Framework, which is meant for Windows.

I have a HackerRank coding test for a Full Stack position coming up. What should I expect?

nakadashi noa-chan

Any way to host a small server + database for free?
I think Firebase should be able to cover this if I don't have too many access, but I wanted to see other options too.

SQLite and MongoDB come to mind.

If you're keen to learn a bit about Linux server management, get a $5/m VPS from digitalocean and follow one of their guides, such as:

Check out mongodb atlas, it's a free cloud storage for mongodb databases

I just spent all day thinking about Noa lads

Attached: noa2.jpg (1280x720, 105.44K)

Oh, didn't see that you said for free, yeah Firebase is probably the best bet.

pedo kys
why not just use postscript, roff or TeX?

I don't know how to use those things, and I know how to use AI pretty well. I can manage spacing, margins, distances, icons all that jazz pretty well with it.

Why do companies ever use anything more than php on backend?

It just werks. Also wordpress.

Cause C# is pretty awesome and has a lot of cool tools and technologies related to it like EF Core.

Is firebase a good free server solution to some online appoitment app?

are there other cheaper storage other than wasbai and crowdstorage?

Attached: dfdfure.png (842x620, 33.23K)

I'm sure it is but why do that when you can just use a mysql

I need some static site with some free server.

I've never done backend shit, so totally new.

I use Django REST Framework
Then Next.js with SWR for my frontend to actually do the partial rendering (called Incremental Static Regeneration) and also SSR
I do believe the Django frontend does have something equivalent or a workaround... I've seen threads on it before

Is bootstrap a good front end framework for a beginner?


what's a good free service for a basic website that can get some form inputs and edit some csv or sql database and then send an email?

not him, but redpill me about tailwind media queries, are they in any way like bootstra's?

When the performance of PHP just isn't cutting it. As good and fast as it is, scaling is limited. Imagine a Fintech company that requires processing of thousands of transactions in a minute. Golang would fit much better there since you can scale much more effectively.

Recommending tailwind to beginners is basically telling them to learn CSS and do it themselves lmao

i just spent all day nakadashing noa-chan

That's the proper thing to do before learning CSS library to begin with

that's actually better, i don't know why the fear towards CSS, when i graduated college most of my classmates used Bootstrap for their frontend, i was the only one who used vanilla CSS i believe. But being honest i just used flexbox and inspired myself on videos and other layouts

Why not just say that from the start instead of being sneaky? You really think someone who doesn't want to learn CSS will take one look at Tailwind and think "Damn this is the perfect framework"

It's human nature for people to shill what they like, even when it's not the most logical suggestion. Just throwing that out there.
[not the user you replied to]

yeah, but using a acronym for "web games which writes to localstorage" is stupid , unnecessary and pretentious, sounds really reddit. Used to play one of these games when i was a kid, can't remember what it was called though.

>inb4 pbbg is not an acronym
sorry meant abbreviation

>Simple question: is ASP.NET worth learning and if so what’s the best way to learn it?
I like it a lot ofer Java.
I have no idea how to study it, I just got a C# job and figured it out. It is just MS flavoured Java.

the user that told me about the book, I found it online and am reading it right now, it's pretty instructional and helpful so far. They also suggested the youtuber Tim Corey who has hour long videos on ASP.NET

So what's the consensus on useCallback?
When is the right time to use and when it is not?
There are not many resources about this hook written by reputable sources, and the ones that exist say completely different things.
Some say you shouldn't use it for every callback, meanwhile others say that you should use it for every callback whenver you are working with third party libraries.

Read this. I’m too dumb and lazy to put in my own words.

Would every browser-based game that saves your data be considered persistent?

I’m making one, if so. It’s really slow and can take hours before events, but whenever your login is detected it sends all the json through the socket that is then rendered on the frontend, but regardless if the user is online it is still doing things to their data.

I think the biggest thing to learn in ASP.NET is good solution architecture. I would recommend adhering to the Clean Architecture model, although if you're still a junior or mid-level developer, you might not be in a position to dictate how the software you work on is architected. Also, I'd try getting a job where you make smaller apps first if you plan to have a career in .NET. Starting in a company where learning the inner workings of a complicated code base over the fundamentals of coding and architecting .NET solutions is something I regret to this day. I had to learn a lot of stuff from scratch after moving to my new job.

Impossible, that's what I spent all day doing
She can't be in two places at once.

I"m having a hell of a fucking time understanding how to size shit in flex boxes.

I want to shrink the height down on this but I think the images are forcing it open? I know I can do max-height: 50%; or something like that on the images but I was wondering if there was a different way that involved shrinking the container itself. I've been fucking with flex-shrink and nothign seems to be working

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thoughts on the .app domain?

How long does it take you to compile a react component on average? Every time I hit save it takes about 8-12 seconds to compile. I think I need a new laptop, I've been putting it off for too long.

Attached: Specs.png (665x413, 21.65K)

nevermind I figured it out. I wasn't impacted the illus class but that managed to allow me to shrink it.

Need a lot of practice with this logic of the boxes and how they flow. I assume it gets easier pretty quickly

It's generally used for when you want to save a reference to a function. So that when used with other hooks (most notably useEffect) or other components, they will only re-run when your function reference changes. You can control when that function reference changes on the second param of the useCallback.

Depends what build system you're using & package manager tools.

Have you tried Vite instead of create-react-app?

If you're using next.js enable "swcMinify" in next.config.js

If you're using npm/yarn, try pnpm.

I already know this. However, how are you supposed to know when a third party component library uses your callback inside an useEffect?

When you're providing a function reference to a third party hook, it almost certainly will be in an useEffect, unless you provide them some sort of dependencies, in which they'll likely memorize the function until those deps change.

Anyone in devops here? What platform do you recommend for setting up automatic testing environments upon branch or PR creation?

>thoughts on the .app domain?
I don't like it.
.dev is ok for personal webpages, and use a standard .com or national domain for all other uses.

So is it a safe bet to always use useCallback when passing callbacks to third party libs?

How do i make so an embed godot iframe minigame can change and effect a wordpress site?

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Any "professional" looking icon sets for free I should use? Ive found some buy they're a bit meh.


I mean, should I go font awesome like the boomer I am? What is the go to this days?

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How do you stay motivated to continue learning?
I've learned so many different things in the last 6 months but I know I still have a lot of bare minimum technologies to learn about and it's exhausting.

>stay motivated
No such thing, just follow the routine, at n hour you start deving, at m hour you stop devin. Weekends are free.

Use web sockets or an api on a server?

I got a couple bookmarked
fonts.google.com/icons?selected=Material Icons

How do i design a website looks?

Attached: yikes-jam-pepe-jam.gif (498x479, 621.36K)

absolute fucking legend user, thanks a lot

adding what I found so far


go to the design links in the OP, some people are naturally good at design, most people aren't. You can become good, but it takes a lot of work. Copying is a way.

Thoughts on this book? Is it a meme, and I should just learn the technologies instead and all the theory will come naturally or is this a good read?

Attached: dataintensiveapps.png (358x462, 199.04K)

just launched a blog for my site. probably going to need a lot more work but good enough for now!

it helps a lot to build projects and deploy, if you haven't been


thanks user

I like the design a lot, nice job

can I get away with not knowing too much about data structures & algorithms?
I've forgotten basically everything I've learned in maths so I've been hesitant to learn it

data structures / algos 101:

literally all you need to know about data structures is the difference between an array/list and a hashmap/set.

for algos, literally all you need to know is what big o notation is, and some search/sorting algos.

big o is the measurement of how complex an algo is. It's syntax is O(...)

searching algos:

finding an item in an array takes up to n operations (where n is the size of the array). Big O notation is O(n).

finding an item in a hash map takes 1 operation, so it's O(1).

finding an item in an _ordered_ array takes up to "log n" times (think of finding a card in an ordered deck, you can half the deck each time and ignore the rest). So this would be O(log n)

sorting algos include
>bubble sort
>insertion sort
>merge sort
and some others but don't worry too much about how they work, for the most part you can use your language features sorting APIs to do most of the legwork.

guess I'll do a fair bit of studying on the stuff you mentioned, thanks

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