He’s legit a good wrestler and I’m tired of people pretending he’s not...

he’s legit a good wrestler and I’m tired of people pretending he’s not. They always complain “indy guys have no character!!!!” Then when one does and gets over they still don’t give him credit.

Put some respect on his fucking name

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Orange Cassidy consistently proves himself and settled all the workrate doubters with his Will Ospreay match
It's only joyless smarks who hate his King of Sloth Style gimmick that bitch about him

He's one of the best wrestlers as sports entertainers / performers and athlete active today and deserves more solo screentime than he gets

he’s very sports entertaining.

He kinda turned heel against pac.
And he's adding more personality to his character.

No he isn't, he's just talking more.

>wrestling in pockets gimmick
good, fun, cool
>hands in pockets with weak kicks gimmick
no good, not fun, uncool

no i wont elaborate further

>no i wont elaborate further
nobody cares ya chuuni smark

I just told you I wasn't going to elaborate further

The problem is that he isn't a good wrestler. Like the joke is that he fires up and becomes a good wrestler but he's not actually good, y'know? He still grabs the middle rope when he's running the ropes.

Are ya soft, lad?

hows he gonna beat a guy like hobbs? I dont know where hes going with this "get fired up" gimmick, theres a definite limit on it

>be Cassidy
>be a good wrestler
>figure out an unusual gimmick and look that draws eyes
>incorporate your ability to move like a greased lightning into it so your skill set is impressive enough to justify liking you regardless of how you are presented
>...kill your momentum doing slacker wrestler comedy for smarks with hand in pocket meme pop, lazy leg kicks and teaming up with no dimes comedy jobbers
>only people known enough to bounce back, too dumb or too green to understand accept working with you
>can't wrestle serious matches because nobody serious wants to put you over in fear of getting taken as a fellow comedy act
>get bored of the gimmick yourself as you realize you can't ever get a proper title run
>launch a "new phase" by blind sighting Pac and become heel out of nowhere with no build up.
>expects fans to turn on a dime on him and to be taken serious in this feud

My prediction is he is dumb enough not to change his entrance, to drop the crowd bating pocket hands and not change kicks to something more vicious, not even change the color of the denim on his gear to a darker one.

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Was there a limit on Hogan's "get fired up" gimmick?

He's ok, but it's like "Zeroo Miedo!" thing. He shouldn't do the leg kicks every single fucking match. It's old.

Hogan was physically bigger than most of the locker room, even in the old days. His gimmick was basically Strongest of the Normals, fighting giants and supervillains.

So there is no limit on get fired up gimmick

wtf do you think "gimmick" means you dumbass smark?

...for big guys who draw dimes, which Cassidy is not.

it'll never be old because it will always be many people's first and only chance to pop "OOOOOHHHHHH!" when he does it

This is like saying Rock's "FINALLY," gets old when the crowd will ALWAYS want to shout that shit for themselves like they saw on TV

Hoggin' the spotlight has put over less than a handful of people in his entire career

Everything gets stale, even vagina.