"You are so useless, you have to be a Dentist on the weekends."

"You are so useless, you have to be a Dentist on the weekends."

What was that supposed to mean?

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I have no idea what you’re referring to. I watch WWE. When Toni was employed, did the shoot tranny make a remark about Isaac Yankem D.D.S.?

She's not good enough at being a wrestler, so also has to work as a dentist. If she was a better wrestler, she would not need to be a dentist, but she isn't so she does. It's quite simple really.

What a bitch. Everyone knows dentist's have it the hardest of all medical fields! Most dentists end up killing themselves after a certain point in their life. Their suicide rates are close to trannies, if not a bit more but slowly falling.

hope she is happy being champion

Didn't knew that. Interesting.


She's jealous that Britt gets to fuck Christian Cage.

A dentist is probably paid more than a wrestler

who jizzed on this bitch's face? Their protein intake must be through the roof.

It means her dental practice only allows her to work weekends, a part of the week associated with only the most useless of dentists.

Toni Storm is a substitute champion who has to sell ass pics daily to pay her bills

Tony was putting down Britt Baker for having a college education and a real job because she's a shit worker who has an onlyfans.

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Aren't emergency dentists still quite useful?

Do. Me. Daddy.

>Hey Vince, you should put Toni in an angle where she gets pie thrown in her face and she's laughed at. Good talking to you pal.

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Yeah even a weekend dentist wouldn't work for hotdogs & a hand shake.

>have onlyfans
>try talking down anyone with a real job

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Wagiemind. I can't knock anyone who makes easy money off simps to fund their nose candy addiction. I'm pretty sure someone calculated Tones made 20k right off the bat when she first started OF.

Stupid bitch should have pointed out that Baker’s entrance is bullshit because she’s no doctor. Then followed up with what do you call a med school dropout? A dentist.

need to see this bitch get slimed next


>nooo you cant you cant knock the heckin sexworkirino!!!

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