These niggers look OLD

These niggers look OLD

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you tell me

we don't use that word here

That’s because they are, ain’t that something

We call this twink death

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based golden zaddies

Ibushi is still more shredded than 90% of all wrestlers today

damn those steaks look even worse. ribera has gone downhill

kek, ya got me user

This nigga don't know what cake is.

Where are Kenny's eyebrows?


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Punk burned them off

Kind of amazing that Ibushi isn't dead yet

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AIDS will do that to these olden lovers.

His parents are super influential and rich. If he was taken out, there would be way too much heat.

why is the Japanaese guy wearing a pride shirt

his gimmick is that he's gay with kenny omega

sounds gay L

>taken out
aids is already burying this cocksucking gook.