Why are all AEW fans like this?

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worked by twitteretty

I feel like that person just went down a checklist of decisive political talking points and added every one to their profile without paying attention. Aside from AEW though but that makes it funnier

>this is conservative in JEWSA
I hate americans so fucking much

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>nearly 1,000 followers
>tweets are lucky if they get a single 'like'

>christian anti gun pro choice conservative

Why are leftoids so worked over LibsOfTikTok? She just reposts their own videos, maybe don't be a retard and you won't get laughed at

There's a good reason they've been going after comedy for the past decade so hard.

Are Americans a lost cause at this point? All I see is stuff like this and I don't use social media. Legitimate govt institutions have people like this in important positions (the person who made the Moderna vaccine is a furry)
I thought this stuff was restricted to Twitter and social media but no, it is prevalent in their culture now.

The only cringe part is being unironic christtard.

Nah, America is only bad on the internet. The touch grass meme is real. When you go out in the real world, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and in a group of 1000 people maybe the biggest losers among them act like these idiots. Unfortunately the biggest losers in society live on social media so if you only go by that it looks like a hellscape.

Americans are okay they've got more than enough talent in all areas its just their government is ran by insane 80 year old psychos and cat ladies

>America is only bad on the internet

It's a fucking shithole that is full of gun-obsessed whackos

>anti-cop AND anti-gun
Name a position more incoherent and idiotic

pro-gun and pro-life

>pro-gun and pro-life

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Built for trans grooming

nice selfie

>nice selfie

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pro-lgbtq and anti-islamophobia

That isn't incoherent.