What if it next week it comes out he was innocent

What if it next week it comes out he was innocent

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That's what I'd say

I’d cry tears of relief. I love Benoit

he WAS innocent. framed by kevin sullivan.

WWE goes back and edits him into ever memorium and clip show.

Let it go you nutcase, it's been fifteen years and it's inarguable. He did it.

Benoit was murdered by Satanists. His neighbors are members of the Royal Order of Jesters which is an invite only subgroup of the Freemasons.

I know he did it I just asked a hypothetical question you fucking retard

Technically, he was innocent.


Attached: 1507324499178.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

i would probably be so happy

WWE would still keep him blacklisted in fear of the case re-opening and him being deemed guilty again

Miz did it

unironically this. not meme'ing. not joking. Benoit was framed.

Dimes promo


He tried to stop the NWO from taking over the entire promotion but failed. youtube.com/watch?v=Juqm94sUV_E

I've already forgiven him. We all have.

he did it.

Attached: ididit.png (800x615, 699.12K)

why did the rock want Benoit's kids dead?

>What if it next week it