What did Sasha Banks mean by this?

What did Sasha Banks mean by this?

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getting flexible for the fans

Doesn’t count he’s not a fan

Wade Bryant is Sasha Banks’ stretch coach. Last July I believe it was, you all pulled off this same cuck bullshit. This is the guy’s job. Banks will be returning to WWE sooner than later. She is happily married to her loving husband that makes all of you jealous fat fucks seethe, retired professional wrestler, pic-related. They have been together since 2010 and married since 2016. All cuck posters are shoot faggots. It’s Saturday early evening, go meet some real life women. No women’s wrestlers want any of you. FACTS!

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but not before getting a big Fella dicking from Sheamus

this behavior is not normal, you know that right?

>stretch coach

My gf laughs about the sasha banks meme

But the behavior of you gAyEW tranny faggots creating lies about WWE Superstar Sasha Banks’ personal life is normal????? You all deserve to be locked up in a psyche ward or even better, in prison. Celebrity defamation and cyber stalking are both serious crimes. You all don’t even discuss professional wrestling. Go back to plebbit.

Fans is a lucky man

BRUH lmao

The only thing he's stretching is her pussy.

Prepping for the bull

Attached: SashaStretch.webm (1080x1920, 2.01M)

how come mikaze ain't doing the lifting? seems sus.

she's getting ready to have a 5stars banger with feller

It never gets old.

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you would think if you're doing something intimate like this you would try not to dress like a vegas hooker, being a faithful married woman and all

why isnt this faggot perma banned?

Omg there's a funeral going on have some god-damned respect

Starting to think Mikaze is a certified cuck

We already know she fucks fans.

OK i get its a stretch coach but... why take a picture of this?

Attached: 393.png (396x385, 44.76K)

>first thought was "soles yum"
>read the thread a little
>now see a weird sex position

womeme be like that

are dose her labias hanging down under her tummy?

He ban evades

oh that coach is stretchin something if ya catch my penis