What exactly is wrong with Gunther's powerbomb on Sheamus? It looks normal to me

What exactly is wrong with Gunther's powerbomb on Sheamus? It looks normal to me

Attached: gunther powerbombs sheamus.gif (400x225, 3M)

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Opponents supposed to land on his full back to dissipate the impact force to a larger area. Sheamus lands on his ass and lower back. Try falling from a table on your ass.

>Looks like he accidentally dropped him
>Sheamus lands on his ass, when you're supposed to land on your back

Did Sheamus legit hurt his back so had to take it on his arse?

nah this played into the finish, it was honestly one of the more genius spots ive ever seen

Which spot was genius?

This is one of the times that I legitimately don't know if it was a worked botch or if they improvised on the spot to work it into the ending of the match



You think it was a kayfabe back injury that they made look legit so they had them do a spot where he takes a powerbomb on his arse. Seems a stretch.

either way, it shows an extreme level of ring iq

it looks weak

It's a worked botch. Did you even watch the match?

What is a worked botch even?

sheamus actually does have spine problems. it was thought he might have to retire but obviously not. but his spine cannot take a regular powerbomb and sheamus isnt a retard and wont allow himself to be injured for the enjoyment of others

Shawn did this to Nash, so it wouldn't end up on his highlight reel.

Attached: botfch.gif (397x298, 1.89M)

After this Sheamus went for the Bro Kick and then fell down because his back gave out in the run up. Plus he missed a year with spinal stenosis, surprised they didn't say something about it on commentary

god, 90s shawn was too fucking based

sheamus was still going up and gunther brought him straight down


They're two 6'4 dudes, if Gunther brought him all the way up after a 20 minute match they'd probably topple over and fall

Attached: 1662228475650876.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)

Obviously Walter put Sheamus down lightly because of Sheamus' back injury.

AEWtists were looking for a bad botch and they didnt find one. Thus, theyre just focusing on one particular move that looked a little bit off. Still looked a lot better than cm puke trying to to do a springboard move and stumbling like the homeless crackhead he resembles.

It's funny how they worked up the Punkshot botches into some grand work-botch-shoot headcanon to explain their fragile champion breaking his foot less than a week later.
And here we are with Gunther and Sheamus telling a story that makes sense, entirely in the ring.

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