How many starrcade 97 moments does wwe want?

How many starrcade 97 moments does wwe want?

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Literally who is pushing Roman at this point? He wants to fuck off to Hollywood. Just wash the dye out of Solo's hair and call him Roman. Nobody will notice.

It's their own fault built him up for eight years now, he's buried everyone without a natural successor and just had him fighting Brock whenever they need. This isn't the 80s any more. People don't want one guy steamrolling everyone on the roster.

you niggers realize every wwe fan loves roman right? only obese smelly aew trannies hate him

He could have refused to win here in Cardiff. He honestly should have.


AEW trannies want someone pushed them when they're on top they turn on them. Fuck off nigger faggot

Roman doesn't want to be around anymore and why would he? They overpushed him lol

No idea if it's just me getting worked by the heel persona but much as Roman is the best in the ring he's ever been, I get the impression he doesn't want to be there. Why would he, the two biggest legends from the Attitude Era had main event careers of only four years, he's still expected to grind eight years later while his cousin is making probably 25x what he makes in Hollywood without being on the road 300+ days a year.

I went to CatC tonight and I was genuinely surprised by how over Roman is. I don't watch much Raw or Smackdown or really even many PPVs any more, but Roman is certainly a lot more over than he was as a face five years ago.

>without being on the road 300+ days a year.
Roman doesn't even do that anymore. He doesn't do house shows, he's never on Raw, and he only does maybe one SD a month if (and that's a big if) he'll be on the PLE.

When Hogan was champ was he on TV/working house shows every week?

Including all the fans who booed him? Even if they were disappointed, would they boo him en masse?

>every wwe fan loves roman
Pure delusion

I don't know, boomer. Was he?

>he doesn't do house shows
This is objectively false lol

It was a legit question for comparison, not me trying to prove a point with a snarky comment.

Getting cheered as a face is good
Getting booed as a face is bad
Getting booed as a heel is good
Getting cheered as a heel is good
Getting the silent treatment as a heel is bad

in the wwf, he was. he dropped the title when he had to go and film some shit.
in wcw, no. creative control, brother.

No. You never saw WWF Hogan outside of PPVs or Saturday Night Main Event, which wasn't a weekly program. He did ore recorded promos.

>Getting cheered as a heel is good
No it isnt you dumb smark