Who's who?

Who's who?

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Which one of these niggas is Roman Reigns?

Goofy, dumpy, poopy, drunky.

Whoops, my bad even I get them mixed up. They’re all drunky. Last one is drunky drivey.

i think yellow sweater is solo sikoa
red shirt might be jimmy
and white shirt is jey
idk who that gray sweater is

Jimmy is the one up front, Jey is at the end.

from left to right Jimmy, Solo, Sami, and Jey

I know one of them is Rikishi

Do you see a fatass in that pic?


that's the same person dum dum like when they shopped elias' family

Good lord. They have another one to interfere when Sikoa and the Usos get barred.

Wait 5 years

Maybe they could have a replacement rikishi in the future but the original one's still out there walking around. He'll die and they'll just cover it up and give one of them the thong
"You're da big kahuna now"

refuse to believe these niggers arent grown in a lab

I was gonna shop all the WWE belts onto them, and then complain as if someone had edited the picture to remove them all.
But then I decided not to, because fuck that's a lot of work.

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is his name really sami? is that the joke about why sami is in the bloodline?


They're building an army. Wrestling is just a hobby for a few of them.

Their dad is rikishi. USO’s are on each end, Solo Sikoa or however you spell it in yellow, and grey shirt is the Fredo Anoa’i. He works at Firestone.

left is an uso, yellow shirt is Solo, red shirt is an Uso, gray shirt isn't in WWE or doesn't wrestle.

>gray shirt isn't in WWE or doesn't wrestle.
Debuts at WM39 to cost Cody