How did Sami unJUST himself after years of being dimeless? He's killing it

How did Sami unJUST himself after years of being dimeless? He's killing it.

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happy go lucky cab driver wasn't the best gimmick to start off with

Sami was mostly based, they just dont know how to book him
>when he came back as a heel and cut a promo how the modern wrestling fans are entitled idiots not understanding pro wrestling

He's been based for like 2-3 years now

Basically this.
He took over booking himself.

Backstage respects him as a genius mind on the business, and hes the top talent in the company, so they have him freedom

He's been based since the IC title runs, it's been a while.

Attached: sami-zayn.jpg (1280x720, 596.67K)

I liked his YEP! gimmick a few years ago

we will NEVER see the documentary.....

Sami has never not been able to deliver kino with whatever he is given.

A guy who truly deserves everything he’s got out of this business. Done it all on the indies, wrestled crazy matches in Japan. Now just sharing his knowledge and love of wrestling with the beloved WWE Universe!

he was always good, vince just gave him the christian treatment

I do not like him, because he is French Canadian, and therefore human scum.
But he is atleast interesting scum.

Fidel Zayn was based

He literally had the match of the year at mania

Might be a hot take but El Generico was not over with me at the time. It's very impressive to see how he's reinvented himself over the years though, he is great

>rather do stories and promos than wrestle every week
>does spots on PPVs and big matches
It's that simple.

daily reminder he also gave Nakamura his best match not only in NXT but in WWE


*Puts on cap*


Sami probably gave cesaro his best matches too.

Its a shame, Daniel bryan and Sami Zayn met at WrestleMania twice.. arguably the two most talented performers of all time.. but didnt really get to have a real wrestling match