*shoot chimps out because somebody calls him fat in your path*

*shoot chimps out because somebody calls him fat in your path*

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The second he uttered the words "fat shaming", he lost all credibility as a tough guy, if he ever had any to begin with

I wish AEW would stop being so two faced. Either be the first body positive wrestling promotion or book Kendrick.

>i'ma new york gangster tough guy from the mean streets yo
>s-stop callin me fat yo
kek what a sensitive faggot bitch

he has BLM on his twitter, hes a faggot larper.

>meanwhile sammy be like noooo you can’t mention the women I proposed to in the ring for a cheap pop
kek. lmao even

So much for being the realest guy in the room lmao

Fat shaming fucks you up and no one takes it seriously because "haha fat guy", it's on par with drug addiction and mental problems but nobody will ever take that seriously. If you tried to shame a drug addict that person would just go and do more drugs. Same with food. Bullying doesn't solve anything.



Shut the fuck up, it might fuck you up in high school. Not as a grown man who's fat because of a lifetime of choices and chimps out because he knows everybody is right.

fat shaming works because the people that take on fat acceptance rhetoric which is a very vocal minority are often just lying/coping. really everyone wants to be thin. a lot of thin people do drugs. drug shaming doesn't work because we live in a decadent time where drugs are plentiful and perceived to be the cool thing. being fat isn't cool.

yeah being fat is just like being addicted to heroin or meth. you're right!

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He never said that.

I could HEEM you IRL watch what you say
Shaming doesn't work because you're not getting to the root of the problem as to why you're dependant on something as a coping mechanism
Yes. Yes it is. All of these things can be abused and it's not a dick measuring contest on who has the worst addiction.
You guys are a lot of fun I see now why the suicide rate in America is so high

we're all depend on something. whether it be smoking or whatever. we all have our vices, some can control it. just admit you have low impulse control and/or are addicted to the shit in the food. food addiction is a real thing i agree with that, mostly because of the food content itself and not some disorder you have in your brain.

shut up tranny. bet you care about pronouns

Watch the unaired sammy promo, eddie's first response was about being fat shamed

actually it's brave to come out as fat


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Gimme DAT nut Sammy!!
