Making fun of Bliss is easy thanks to how insanely ugly he is...

Making fun of Bliss is easy thanks to how insanely ugly he is, so I gave myself a self imposed restriction of only making the thread with a pic of him from 5+ years ago back during his supposed prime, but it seems to make no difference.

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Didn't read but that's a man.

shut the fuck up tranny

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Damn he ugly

i hope mandy see's this bro

What the fuck is with Alex’s nose? Did it grow with all the lies of him saying he’s a female?

Ugly goblin phenotype similar to Alex
Gook shit lmao
What did you mean by this?

Rare case of Sashaschizo being based
Gonna have to steal that line holy kek

stop pretending like you don't know, it's from your favourite show you fucking queer

>it's a mandyschizo and blisstranny shit up the catalog episode

So because you seethe about everyone on a show due to Mandy being on it you think that automatically means I give a shit about these people? What do you mean by this Blisstranny?

>when your time has absolutely 0 value

>I looooove the mumble rap intro!!
>And the bright colourful presentation and blue ring ropes!
>*GASP* I-i-i-i-is that a WCW jobber gimmick!?!?!?
>I-i-i-is that a yummy heckin storylinerino??
>Are th-those womeme getting 50%+ screen time!?!?
>OMG heckin legos and a powerbomb through a mattress?? I HECKIN' LOVE 2.0!!!!!
>zomg a guy wrestling in a freaking red university sweater!!!
>thank you shawn for this yummy heckin coomkino!!! it was a girly magazine!!

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Enjoy your evening you fucking winners

>NXT is background noise in a tab I'm not using until I hear Mandy's voice or name just like Raw was and this retarded tranny spent months seething about an entire brand thinking it was a 'gotcha'

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This is just sad, Mandyschizo. You get one thread making fun of you and you have a complete meltdown.

I like the tits.