He's right, the days of heels getting "heat" for insulting the crowd belong in the past

He's right, the days of heels getting "heat" for insulting the crowd belong in the past.

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>cm punk is a heel in chicago
kek what a retard

millenials and zoomers can't differentiate fantasy from reality

Did that happen? If Punk got caught that easily then it must be ducking tense backstage with this drama shit. Also fuck fans who try to get themselves over, cringe faggots.


Why is it OK when Punk fat shames and celibacy shames?

>colt cabana chant
seriously? no edgy chant, just colt cabana? kek what a bitch

It's the funniest shit. He got turned to a bigger bitch than Moxley when he returned

> unironically posting junkie tweets

of course this guy would take the fat virgin remark personally

>"noooo you can't call people fat!"
>uses an icon of Jericho edited to look fat

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Lmao a Colt Cabana chant got his panties in a twist? Kek what a bitch.

>They had to put 16 screws in my foot
>which is 16 more times that that fat guy has been screwed in his life
I normaly can't stand punk but this was based come on

morning sir

but isn't 16 x 0 = 0?

I thought punk was shoot straight edge? Making fun of the guy for not having had many sexual partners is the opposite of that right ??

He's a 50 year old obese virgin, he not only doesn't see the hypocrisy but the only reason he got mad in the first place is because he thought Phil was directing it at him.

lmao what? How are those 2 things related?

>shoot retard

Straight edge is anti drug and alcohol use but also anti promiscuous sex. It's also anti tattoo though so cm phil is fake edge anyway.

>the days of heels getting "heat" for insulting the crowd belong in the past.