Is this the most esoteric board?

Is this the most esoteric board?

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I think we are just assholes.

If that means "gay" then yes.

Care to elaborate?

a bit esoteric, no?

I think most people use this site in general to let out some mean stuff, they can't really say personally.

Wrestling is subjective, literally every wrestler has skeletons in their closets, it has infinite lore...

There is nothing deeper/esoteric about it.

Just a topic with unlimited angles to shit post about.(I love this place btw)

How u know?

I don't know actually.
Just my impression.

I am a secret fan of /an/ but I never go there other to get pictures and I don't post

Huh wat you mean?

Care to ejaculate?

This thread is just Carter replying to himself

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I can’t think of another board with such niche jokes. Curious to see the amount of unique IPs across the boards and which one is the least populous.

The jokes that are made here I cannot share with people outside of Any Forums let alone real life whereas the jokes on other boards can translate well enough. Try telling your dad big show lives in the walls see how he looks at you

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I would say it probably is, yes.
this gimmick sucks

That being said though, it attracts the most schizophrenic autistic people who will just spam the shit out of the board all day if they are upset(see:tonight’s dynamite thread and the amount of spam it will generate)

I mean this in all sincerity, I think this board has caused me early onset schizophrenia

>The jokes that are made here I cannot share with people outside of Any Forums
up your game goofy, I take tons of shit off Any Forums and get it over IRL. You just need to have the charisma.

I'd say so. If you were on the board during WrestleMania, you saw a lot of crossboarsers utterly confused by our combination of insider lingo and retarded memes. To an outsider, many posts are hard to decipher

Huh what you mean?

Attached: huh.jpg (680x680, 57.85K)

but enough about you

Fine speech