This dude has the most ridiculous finisher ever

This dude has the most ridiculous finisher ever.
He really runs out to the ramp every time and somersaults in the ring just to do a stunner.

Attached: iIa7jjXlijUqvvOE.webm (540x540, 1.92M)

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this one was based, he does an eye poke into a stunner. waller fucking gets putting your character into every move he does. so good

>there's someone on Any Forums that links every promo and segment that is discussed in OPs

agree, happy he got a win I was sure he was doing the job here, maybe he can make an nxt title feud not boring for the first time since ziggler left.

>He really runs out to the ramp every time
fucking kek
Who comes up with this shit?

its a based gimmick. i love that guy

That suits his character though

He doesn't have a character

I'm glad someone took the initiative in posting them so I don't have to search for every fucking thing

Kek, Apollo jobbed for Waller. Unfathomably based aussie.

The poke stunner is pretty good, the flip is an unnecessary flip. They should really focus on the poke being "an illegal move" for maximum heat that he needs to make it work and work angles and matches around it.

It's super cool he does a basketball crossover without the ball from the top rope. So kino.

>This dude has the most ridiculous finisher ever.
But enough about Kenny Omega

God forbid someone tries something new.

contextchad is based

He actually keeps the momentum going unlike the stop and start buckshot lariat

Cry more

don't try and act like the run and somersault add anything

That guy is over.

thats the point. he's a cocky asshole who puts unnecessary shit into his moves

>its ok when AEW does it