Wrestling has the worst fandom of any form of entertainment

Wrestling has the worst fandom of any form of entertainment.

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Wrestling bros...

Super smash bros/melee has us beat.

Explain yourself. Why do you feel this way?

Not true, video games as a whole is 1000x worse.

what about kpop


Ultimately, you just hate yourself.

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Ratings posters arnt people

Gaming in general is god awful, because most of them aren't fans of the games. They're just fans of the social influencers who shill the game, or what ever fan fiction that a Tranny came up with for the story. Just look at the Nier community before Automata.
Of these gaming communities, Smash is indeed one of the worst. They're legit pedos & criminals, but happen to be man babies at the same time. They're so bad that even Nintendo doesn't want anything to do with them.

Sonic and it's not even close

Any Shonen series fandom is abysmal. Take your pick.

Eh, it depends on the fan. Some fans have respect for the old school classic wrestling going all the way back to Frank Gotch, Lou Thesz and Classy Freddie Blassie, and have a pure love of the business. Meanwhile others only care about mindlessly cooming to divas who cannot wrestle and consooming 'heckin yummy wummy five star matcharinos'.

Nah. We're about mid level.

>Forgets Furries exist

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word, especially e-drones

based and redpilled

Sadly there are worse fanbases. Go to /vg/ and pick a general at random to browse if you want to blow your brains out

Quite the opposite friend.

The most based fandom. The most smartest fanbase that transcends gender nation age money, any and all things.

The most active twitter and reddit community showcases the fandoms higher writing and reading skills and ability to communicate complex ideas through the community

Statistics show wrestling fans are more happier and successful in life than any other fanbase , which is mostly delinquent or depressed

The best memes on Any Forums

Personally I feel a surge of dopamine and love chemicals when I see my favorite stars or at the start of a wrestling show.

So speak for yourself , friend.

I see you don't like Heavy Metal or Rock Music.


lol you both cut your dicks off

thanks for proving me right

Awwww gonma cry cause you got worked again? Go back.

see this