Why are you an incel? What went wrong in your life?

Why are you an incel? What went wrong in your life?

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started balding at 15 and am 5'6

my dick is only 6 inches

I was born, then my life was over.

can life "go wrong"?

have you ever gone to a forest and blamed a tree for growing in a wrong spot?

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I'm not in social situations often enough, and I don't like hitting on girls that I don't know. Also maybe have higher standards than I should.

>What went wrong in your life?
Autism and escapism at a young age

imma gamer

nuff said

>Why are you an incel? What went wrong in your life?

I am almost 7 feet tall and have had severe health problems for 10 years. I basically will die before I'm 40

>Why are you an incel?
multiple mental illnesses

ooh! anything interesting like schizo?

Clearly not or he'd be a dark tri-chad kek

it literally never even began for me

Women literally showed no interest in my until my late 20. By then I was bitter, and I found it impossible to like them back. Now I've achieved wizardom.

I had the kind of parents who would tease and shame me when I was kid whenever they saw I was around any girls so as result I completely shut myself off from interacting with the opposite sex during extremely important developmental years. From my teenage years to now as an adult, I still have an extremely hard time interacting with women normally and being comfortable around them on my own.

wasting condition diagnosed 4 years ago, lost gf, haven't touched a woman since, getting harder to cope tbbq

I'm simply not attractive to them despite being slim and having hair. Being 33 soon and I still look much younger.

Short Answer: Everything. I hit nothing but failures, dead ends, and brick walls in everything I do. If I had even one success in one area of my life it might have given me enough of a boost to keep going but at this point I think it's a cosmic joke that absolutely nothing goes right for me

Depression and anxiety at a young age are a bitch. But at this point idgaf, pretty happy with my life now.

life can so super fucking wrong

so easily

depends how you look at it I guess

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